Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cheesburger In Caseville

The kids on our way up... check out Jacob's 2 sets of sunglasses!! :)
After our exciting WIGGLES concert We headed back to Doe's to get Gracie & Doe and head up to CASEVILLE for CHEESEBURGER weekend! Wednesday is the parade day so we didn't want to miss that... Doe, the kids & I were the only ones able to head up that week since everyone else had to work but we had an action packed exciting week none-the-less. Here is a run down of what we did each day!!
Wednesday 13th: Parade... the parade starts at 6 pm but we actually had to put our chairs out the night before. The parade has about 50,000 people that attend. It is called the PARADE OF TROPICAL FOOLS... it is a blast. We arrived about 4 to check out our seats. From there they had little mini cars parked in front of us which the kids got to check out and sit in. I fed them some snacks and Doe to Gracie for a walk to see some friends that were at the end of the parade route (we were at the beginning). Jacob was wearing his fish shorts, a yellow cheeseburger shirt, a lei and flamingo head bobbers (Greg would kill me for that!) Grace wore her grass skirt a lei, and a flamingo (or flanino as Jakey calls them) shirt. The kids got freezer pops, beach balls, beads & leis, candy, and frisbees. The parade lasted about 2 hours... it was sooo much fun!
On a sad note we found out just before our visit to the parade that Uncle & Aunt Cathy's little puppy had died. We are so sad for them... she was such an adorable little puppy. Keep them in your thoughts... although we know Pops is probably taking great care of little Sophie!
Thursday 14th: Thursday both the kids slept in really late... so once they finally got up we went to the fire station. They were giving out free bicycle helmets and tours of a medical helicopter. We got the kids fitted for their helmets and then Jacob hopped into the helicopter. He didn't want to take off his helmet... he loved it. After that we walked through town to check out the little shops set up for cheeseburger weekend. Then we headed back for lunch and naps... when we got up we played on the beach. Jacob got to go down Lucas' slide and they did some digging (their usual!)
Grace got her bottom left I tooth today as well!
Friday 15th: On Friday we got up early stopped at some stores in Caseville (I wanted to get Jacob a shirt and it wasn't going to be in till Friday... and I also bought him a giant cheeseburger hat (he wore it the rest of the weekend... I thought Greg would hate it but he thinks its pretty cool... check back soon for more pictures they are on my Mom's camera) and then we headed out to Port Austin to go swimming in Mr. Gary & Mrs. Beth's pool at the motel. We were the only ones there and we had a nice time. We came back to have lunch... Jacob played with Lucas outside for a bit (squirting eachother with squirt guns) and then we took naps. When we got up Jacob and Lucas had Mr. Bob dig them a BIG hole on the beach and they made a pool. Jacob kept telling me to get in!! The boys play so nice together... as does Grace. They played for quite a while until we had dinner. After dinner we headed back to Port Austin to visit with the Dillons. Jacob & Grace had fun with the kids playing in the sand.
Saturday 16th: On Saturday we went shopping in town and went to the craft sale. We headed back that night and stopped at Gigi's on the way home.
I would HIGHLY recommend Cheeseburger weekend, there is so much to do... and it is a beautiful town. I can't wait till next year!! Greg is coming too, which will be fun. He doesn't believe us about how many people are there!
The only downfall to the weekend was that both kids had horrible allergies... I had to call the pediatrician to see what they could take and they said the ragweed is really bad now.  Poor kids!

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