Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grace is...16 Months!!

This month has been HUGE for Grace… not only has she started to walk but she is also getting quite good at it! From the get go she was going across rooms... its funny because she occasionally still scoots and crawls, but she is really loving the walking!! (And Jacob loves seeing and helping her walk... she likes to grab onto his back and they do the train, lol!) Gramma Doe bought her very first pair of pink Nikes (a tradition…. Jacob had the same ones in blue!). She is also gaining more vocabulary… she now calls for Doe, Mama, Dada, and brother. She is saying and waving Hi & Bye all the time… she also says ball, dog, wee, cheese (for the food and when she sees the camera), no, yea, more, and what sounds like ma for milk. I’m sure there are some more words I’m forgetting!! I was starting to get a little worried about her and her vocabulary but thanks to Mary Jo, I’m feeling better and just remembering what I can do to help! I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s talking our ears off like Jacob does!!
Grace has been having a blast at the cottage both in the water and in the sand… she is a little daredevil and gets into pretty much anything and everything, which is so different than Jacob! We really have to keep an eye on her, since we are really not use to that!
Grace eats pretty much anything… some of her favorites include: grilled cheese, pizza, chicken brats, pretzels, waffles, muffins, cheese, cookies, and anything JACOB has… go figure!
This summer Grace's hair has really lightened up, it quite possibly could get darker over the winter but it sure looks pretty light now! Maybe she's taking after DOE! Her eyes are still a greenish/brownish color which is really unique looking, and although I'm hoping they stay like this... who knows!
This little girl has quite the diva personality, she is a little sassy but nonetheless very ADORABLE! She likes to scrunch her little face and say “NOOOOO” at you when she wants to do something that you don’t want her too, I think we may have our hands full!
Grace has been such a joy to us... she is so very lovable. Each time we get her up from bed she puts her head down on your shoulder and just loves on you. She is always trying to hug and kiss on her brother and on Cam! She is just a little lover... I think that is by far one of her best qualities. I have honestly never seen such a loveable girl... Jacob was pretty lovey but nothing like this. Such a cuddler and so sweet... a kiss for everyone!

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