Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Week Back...

This week was WAY harder than I thought.  I only had two days, but they were long and I really missed the kids.  Wednesday was the worst since we had our "Meet the Teacher" so I was gone all day and didn't get home till 7! YIKES... I can't imagine doing that everyday, no thank you!
The kids did great and had fun running my errands with Doe.  Each day I gave Jacob a special errand to do for me (for example Wednesday they went to Costco to get milk & strawberries for vacation).  He loved that! 
As anticipated this week the kids started sleeping in really late.  I figured as soon as I went back to work they'd go back to sleeping in! These next few weeks are going to be hectic with my work schedule and Jacob going to school... let alone all the little errands and trying to get our house ready to sell.  UGH... well in any case we are headed up north for our last HURRAH in Caseville.  

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