Sunday, August 24, 2008

One week left...

I'm really getting bummed.  I start back this coming week... only 2 days but I'm REALLY going to miss the kids.  This weekend we headed up north again.  We went up Friday... it was so HOT!  Greg came up Friday night.  Saturday was beautiful.  We played on the beach and in the water all day.  Saturday night it rained so we took a "field trip" to see the wind turbines in Pigeon/Elkton.  It was very neat to see them so close up.  Jacob and Grace got to enjoy some superman ice cream when they got back... YUMMY.  On Sunday we came home and we also got to go to Tete's work picnic.  It was alot of fun for the kids.  Jacob and Grace had so much fun in the bounce house, eating cookies, playing in the sand, and eating! Jacob even got to try to whack a pinata... he was so sweet at how gently he hit it!! It was a nice weekend... I was sad to see it end.  I'll get pictures up soon... we have a bunch from the last few weeks (cheeseburger, caseville, the park, etc).

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