Sunday, November 23, 2008

Caseville For The Weekend!

Doe, Greg, the kids & I had an awesome weekend in Caseville.  On Friday afternoon after I got out of work Doe & I took the kids and headed up.  We stopped in Bad Axe for a few necessities at Walmart (where we had a funny incident with the kids... they would say HI non-stop to shoppers and as soon as the shoppers said Hi back they would say NO and turn up their lips and noses... I was SO embarrassed!) and then went to eat dinner at Jakey's favorite Bad Axe stop "The Big Boy" (don't know why but he loves it there!).  After our errands we headed to the cottage and arrived about 6.  The kids were wiped from the long afternoon but so excited to be there.  Daddy got up there about 8:15, just in time to watch us blow up Jacob's "Big BOY Bed"... good thing because as soon as we blew it up Jacob wanted to go to bed, he was just so excited to be in it and sleep in it.  It is only a blow up mattress designed for kids that has sesame street characters on the attached blanket area.  (The next day it did double as a boat for him and Grace!).  On Saturday we got up... yes Jacob slept all night 8:20-7:30... and had breakfast and then bundled the kids (snowpants, gloves, hats, and coats) so we could go rake and play in the leaves.  The piles were so high it was a blast for them. They even liked watching Daddy get on the roof to blow out the eaves.  After the leaves they played with the chalk for a bit before heading in for hot chocolate and lunch (where Mommy almost blew up the cottage because I had not lit the burner and was leaking natural gas into the house from the gas stove, whoops).  During nap Doe & I went to town. After nap Doe & Jacob headed back out to wrap up the jobs and watch the sunset.  That evening Uncle Tim came up to hunt and we all had a nice big dinner.  We had such a big day the kids went to bed super early and so did the adults... we were all asleep by 9:30!  Sunday morning we woke up (really early for Jacob and I, not so good sleeping as he didn't feel the best) Uncle was already out hunting (he really wanted to get a deer to show Jacob).  Jacob had been up coughing a ton and his nose was really runny.  I'm so convinced he has allergies/asthma it isn't even funny! No fever, no signs of infection, nothing.  Tete thinks maybe because of all the older carpet and he slept so close to the ground maybe that festered it up.  Doe took Jacob down to the beach (since he was so insistent about going!) and we cleaned up to get ready to go.  As we were packing up we got a call from Uncle Tom saying Uncle Tim got a deer.  We waited outside for them to come back so we could take a few quick pictures and then headed in and re-opened the kitchen for lunch!  After lunch we headed home. Doe, the kids & I stopped at Gigi's to celebrate Tete's birthday!  (Greg went home to rake leaves... fun, fun, fun).  It was the perfect end to our perfect weekend.  Grace & Jacob loved the carrot cake that was homemade by Gigi and Grace wore her cherry outfit just for her Tete. Tete is so important to us... all of us! We love being with her and not only does she adore the kids they really do adore her and are soooooo blessed to have her in their lives.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETE!! 

As a little side note... I'm down 13 lbs.  AND STILL SICK... three times today! 

Stay tuned for tons of pictures from our weekend!

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