Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jacob's 3 Year Physical

Today Jacob had his 3 year physical... it went really well!! Dr. Kalo gave him the run down checking out everything... we talked about his appetite (or lack of, she said this could be from all the milk he drinks and to limit him to 24 oz a day) his separation anxiety (she commented that school is probably good for him even though he still cries about going), and he showed her his sister's favorite word (NO). We are to keep him 2% milk and continue the vitamins. He weighed 36.8 lbs (75th percentile) and was 39.5 inches long (90th percentile).
She also wanted to get a urine collection, blood draw and he was eligible for the flu vaccine... I was a bit concerned at this point. Jacob TOTALLY surprised me, the nurse and the doctor! He did awesome, especially for a 3 year old. He pee'ed right in the cup, did his flu vaccine (we decided to do the flu-mist which is a inhaled live version... at first he didn't want that but when I told him it was that or a shot he agreed. He inhaled perfectly!! Next was our blood draw... oh... great the "shot" I promised him he didn't have to get if he inhaled! The nurse told him it was a finger stamp... he did it and without any tears! He even let her put a band-aid on, which usually doesn't go over very well.
I was so proud of him when we left... he has come such a long ways in the past year. Speaking and social developement have improved soooooooo much!

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