Monday, November 17, 2008


Today while playing downstairs at Doe's Grace dropped a wooden stool top on my toe... it hurt soooooo bad I was hopping around and screaming.  Tete & Doe thought I was in labor! Turns out that later I did have a blood blister under my nail so I did have reason for the screams!
Anyways as this was all happening my Mom started laughing and telling us to look at Jacob.  I hobbled up to see Jacob pretending "cuking" (puking) over his play potty!! I guess he has seen Mommy on a few too many mornings (I leave the door open in the morning because I don't want to leave the kids out by themselves).  ANYWAYS... the best part is that (and forgive me if this is TMI) he had his pants pulled down as he was "cuking".  Reason being is sometimes Mommy pukes so hard that I pee my pants... so in the morning I pull them down so I don't get any pee on my pants (then I'd have to change them!).  We got a picture on Doe's camera phone but I didn't get the camera in time and he wouldn't do it again... we'll try to capture it tomorrow.  

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