Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Grace is 19 Months Old!!

Grace has really done alot this month... she has started to walk really fast (almost a run, but yet not quite a full sprint!) she also is gaining vocabulary by the day. If you are around her enough you really can tell just what she is talking about. She says "yellow" (banana), water, juice, milk, buh, brother, mommy, dada, doe, Gigi, Te (Tete), Mimi, more, shoe, sock, toe, hand, bye, hi, yeah, down, potty, no, Ca (Conrad), cup, please, dog, meow, eat, and so much more I'm sure I'm forgetting ALOT! She is also beginning to say things together ("come on" & a few more).

Grace is getting so into babies... she loves helping out with Cam. Getting his buh or whatever it maybe. I'm hoping that this is a sign of how big of a help she is going to be with her new little baby in the house. She loves pushing the stroller, feeding her babies, and putting little blankets on them. She also LOVES the wiggles!! She dances, claps, and sways around as soon as she hears their music, it is absolutely adorable!

Grace has become a WONDERFUL sleeper!! She is sleeping 8:30-8 and still taking a 2-3 hour nap... not quite as good as Jacob, but we'll take it! She pretty much asks for a nap... she goes right in and is out. It is really nice. She still has her buh but only at night and nap... which I'm fine with. She gave it up a while back during the day and hasn't had an incident since... even being around Cam with his.

The thing I just love MOST about Gracie is that she is a total snuggle bug... always has been. She cuddles up with us all the time and we absolutely love it. The best is after a nap... she'll lay on you for 15-20 minutes... it is the time with her I truly treasure, she is so very special.

She has continued to take gymnastics (which she loves) and dance (which she is a little wild for). She has a good time, and I'm happy that we could let her have her time to shine.

On another note... Grace has continued to be our good little eater! She will eat anything and loves fruits, cheese, crackers, pasta (any type) and pizza.

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