Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mommy's Day Off = Sick Kid

Well this morning Grace woke up super early and I knew something was up as soon as I held her. She was so warm and had that fever feel (you mom's know what I mean).  I took her temperature 101.4 and she didn't eat ALL morning long.  As a matter of fact she wanted her "buh" (pacifier) so I gave it to her and she feel asleep on my shoulder.  She was in my lap or arms the entire day. Around 11 I talked with Tete and she said I should probably take her in... I didn't know what to do since she is still on antibiotics for her ear infection she had last Thursday.  I called the office but they were already at lunch by the time I got around to it.  (I had an excited boy talking his head off about the decorations we put up the night before).  When I got ahold of the office they said they were booked the entire afternoon but they would have a nurse call me back.  When the nurse called back she said it was "a bit alarming" since she is on zithromax (a stronger antibiotic than penicillin since she is allergic to penicillin).  At that point I wasn't sure if it was still her ears or perhaps an urinary/bladder infection. They said to bring her in to the night owl... thank god for the night owl!  I left her take her nap, then after nap she woke up and seemed to be a little better.  Less clingy and she ate a piece of pizza and a yogurt.  I took her temp again... 100.1 so I decided I better just take her in rather than worry about it all day on Thursday when I knew they'd be closed.  We went and it was quite an ordeal.  They decided to do a urine collection (those of you who have done this with a girl know it is oh so much fun!), then a CBC (blood work) and since when they checked her ears they had a hard time seeing in AGAIN they decided to give her an ear wash.  Sounds easy right... NO.  Dr. Mac checked the rest of her out and everything looked ok.  Then came the ear wash... it lasted forever and Grace SCREAMED the entire time.  The nurse did warn me that it is very traumatic and that is why they were going to do it first... lovely.  After that we had the blood draw, more fun.  During all this she did pee but most of it ended up in the diaper and not the bag.  They did get enough to test it and both the urine and blood came back clear.  Her ears were rechecked after the wash and they were fine so Dr. Mac dropped the "V" word... yup virus.  Oh well at least we know and the best part is she seems to be doing better already.  

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