Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grace's Speech Evaluation & A Funny Story!

This morning I took Grace for her speech evaluation at the MISD.  I was just a bit concerned that she may be behind in speech so I thought for my peace of mind I better just take her in.  When we got there a bunch of other children were also waiting for various things and it was almost humorous because our SOCIAL BUTTERFLY didn't not get off my lap.  She sat there and just stared at the other children.  Granted they were running around like maniacs and screaming!! First they started her with a hearing test, which she passed with flying colors!! Then we met with the family liason, he went over paperwork with us and then took us in to meet the evaluator. They first asked about my concerns and then proceeded to ask about how many words she had... I said maybe 30.  From there they asked (in a category type of way like "Does she say any foods") what specific words she said.... needless to say she made it to 50 and I had forgotten some things she says like please, fall, toe, wow, woah, boo-boo, and I'm sure there are so many more. They both reminded me that it is not important about the clarity of the words but just the point that they are "HER" words.  Words are not necessarily easily detected by friends or even family but mainly from the mother.  (Not sure why).  Then we did talk about her combining words.  Lately she has started to say more words in combination. "MORE CAR", "COME ON", "BYE DOG".  They informed me that this is actually a marker for 24 months.  Soooooooo.... needless to say she is not behind but yet ahead for her age.  Her expressive vocab averaged out at 22-23 months!  YEAH GRACE!! They did tell me that after she turns 2 that if I'm still concerned I can bring her back because children can change and start to digress.  So I feel SO relieved and sooooo much more comfortable!! They also made my day when they told me how excited they were to hear she is asking to use the potty! They said that is very good!

Now onto my funny story of the day.  I was at Jo-Ann's (My Mom is making swaddle blankets) and we were picking out fabric for this baby (our ginuea pig!!) While we were in line (a VERY long line) waiting to get the fabric cut a lady walked by and said "You are going to have that baby before you make it through the line!".  I almost died! I didn't think I looked THAT pregnant but geez! Needless to say I have a feeling I won't be "hiding" my secret at work very much longer! (I'll take pictures tomorrow at 13 weeks and post them soon!). And by the way... YES I'm STILL sick... threw up 3 times today!

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