Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doctor Visit & Furniture Store...

Well since we are heading to Caseville this weekend and Grace has been tugging at her ear I decided to take her to the doctor.  After work today I called and they got me right in... YES!  We went and although it was really hard for them to see in her ears (I guess she has really small ear canals and because of this the wax tends to build faster and makes it harder to see, that combined with her BIG screams) but they did look red and that combined with the symptoms (tugging on ear, runny nose last week, lack of appetite, trouble sleeping) I told Dr. Treblin lead them to believe she probably did have an infection.  He put her on zythromax and away we went!! Dr. Treblin told me he loved Grace... from her earrings, to her bracelet, to her fancy shoes, to her pebbles doo!! (Hey this Mommy loves GIRLY things!). 

Tonight after dinner we met Daddy at Art Van to see what they might have for furniture for our boy who is believing he is going to have a purple airplane room... whose breaking the news to him???  We didn't find anything we LOVED so our quest continues.  I'm firm on the fact that I want a trundle and that is hard to find.  I think we may have found one online tonight so lets hope that it works out... I do LOVE this one! Just weary of the wood color... for the future. 

Still working on that cuking picture!

Be sure to check out our new little baby gadget on the side... I like it way better than the last one as it only told you the dates.  For this one you can click on "Open Week ____" and it will give you a run down on what our baby is doing NOW! :)  

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