Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our New Year's Eve... IN!

Since the kids had been sick for quite a few days but seemed to be feeling better today we decided to just stay in and not have anyone over (we didn't want to infect anyone!).  We did invite Doe over... since she had already been exposed to them and was with them yesterday.  She came over we had spinach florentine stuffed shells for dinner... quite a surprise for Greg.  We also had some different dips in my new double dipper crock pot.  Jacob & Grace had fun cooking with us.  
Doe brought over party hats and horns and although NONE of us made it to see the new year we had fun none-the-less! Jacob & Grace played and modeled their new year gear for many pictures. Jacob stayed up a little later tonight (9:15) but then basically asked to go to bed.  

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are so excited to meet our baby girl this NEW YEAR!! 

Quick Update & 19 Week Doctor's Visit!

Well as of today I think we are FINALLY on the mend.  Both kids were so out of it, clingy, whiny, and tired yesterday yet no one slept.  It was horrible! Jacob started to complain that his mouth hurt so we thought we should take them in.  I was suppose to scrapbook so Greg took them to the night owl (no appointments were available during the day but the time we called).  So... he took them in.  By this time they were down to low grade fevers... Dr. Kalo thought she saw something in the back of Jacob's throat so they did a strep test.  The five minute one came back negative but they are going to send it out just to be sure.  Bottom line... they think it is just a virus! I just knew it! I should have listened to my gut! We were really nervous because the night prior was horrible. One of them was up every hour or so... we ended up with a puppy pile in our bed by morning!
They had taken about 6 naps during the course of the next day, each amounting to no more than an hour. So I really thought the next night would be bad, it wasn't as bad so that was GREAT!
Today they seem to be feeling much better... they slept till 9, had baths & I got their bedding all washed.  I always feel better when I take a shower and get cleaned up a little after being sick, so I thought it might help them too!

Yesterday while we were lounging around I decided to paint my toenails... Grace kept saying "Mommy, ME!" so I did hers too! So cute... in our red nails! Jacob wanted his done too... but I told him Daddy wouldn't appreciate it!

So back to my doctor's appointment! Yesterday I met with Dr. Perry.  When I got there the nurse did all the usual vitals... and guess what... my blood pressure was a little high! Go figure. I told her I had two sick kids and she said it was probably from that, yeah... I'd say so! I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment so I'm still down.

When Dr. Perry came in we talked about my ultrasound (He said it all looked great! They didn't notice the cyst, so that means it is either gone or just hidden by my ever-growing uterus!) I'm measuring within a normal range and although it took a long, long time (it always does with this baby!) he was able to hear a strong heartbeat.  This baby has been totally uncooperative with getting the heartbeat at the doctor's office.  Dr. Perry was about to hook me up to the monitor when we "caught" her! Dr. Perry and I also discussed my induction.  He said... IF... I make it to May 15th (39 Weeks) I will be induced for sure.  He said with my history of high blood pressure and extremely fast labor and deliveries he finds it crucial to delivery at 39 weeks.  He again mentioned potentially not making it to the hospital in time and delivering in the car... YIKES! Dr. Perry said there is no medical reason to keep the baby inside after 39 weeks, so it looks like Doe will get her wish and we won't be having the baby at the cottage! (We always go up north for Memorial Day weekend!) Who knows maybe I won't even make it till the 15th... the doc didn't sound very confident in it... all I want is FAST like I'm use to! Before I left I had my thyroid checked and as long as its fine I won't go back for another 4 weeks. :) 

Monday, December 29, 2008

Still boiling...

Day two of fevers... Jacob peaked at 103.2 this morning, Grace is low grade at about 100.1.  Both kids are just lying around watching movies UNTIL their motrin/tylenol kicks in then they are rearing and ready to go.  I'm having a hard time finding anything really wrong with them.  This morning I asked Jacob what hurt and he said his knee.  Then I proceeded to say.... does your ear hurt... yes... does your eye hurt... yes... does your lip hurt... yes... does your throat hurt... yes.... does your toe hurt... yes... well you get the picture! 
I'm just trying to keep watching them and keep them comfortable. 

Day 2 of jammies & movies! 

As a quick update... both kids are still running temps and its now bedtime.  Grace has reached 101.9 and Jacob was up to 103.5.  Still just waiting it out.  Once they have their medicine (tylenol or motrin) they really are fine.  So... like the doctor said with no real symptoms we are just staying put.  

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well tonight Daddy & Pa got the first coat of the light blue on Jacob's walls.  We are doing 3 walls in a light blue and one wall in a darker blue.  So far it looks really nice and I cannot wait to see the finished product! Jacob is getting more and more excited about this transition and cannot wait for his big boy bed to come!

Today Jacob also had a fever... it got up to 102.8 at one point.  He was very tired and laid on the couch most of the day but other than that he had no other symptoms.  I called the doctor and they said to just wait it out, and that the fever is good since it means his body is fighting off the infection.  I've been giving him the motrin so hopefully he'll be better by tomorrow.
Both of them were so tired tonight that Jacob feel asleep on the couch and Grace fell asleep on me while we were watching Planet Earth.  

Greg & I have been making our way through the holiday rubble... trying to organize and sort the new toys and pack away some old things.  The lower level is shaping up we just need to figure out the right tool to organize all of our medium sized toys.  The very big and very small aren't a problem... its the little people farm, the doctor's kit, and countless balls!  UGH... any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

I'm surprised at how many people are voting for our baby girl's name.... I will tell you that the name I like is getting quite a few votes! :)  

I'm off all week, and so looking forward to being with the kids.  We are going to be very busy running errands and such... but I'm glad I won't have to leave them!! :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ho, Ho, Ho!!

Whew... it has been a busy couple of days.  After our ultrasound on Christmas Eve we went to Tete's for our annual Morang get together.  It was so much fun.  The food was DEEEE-licious and the kids had a great time playing with Casper, eating, opening gifts, and soaking in the holidays with family. By the time we got home and got things all ready to go for Christmas we were exhausted... I laid in bed and our baby girl (number 3) wouldn't stop moving.  I felt her for quite a while that night! It was the first time, and it was so awesome that it was the night before CHRISTMAS!
Christmas morning was a whirlwind.  Jacob got up about 7 and we kept him at bay in our room until 8 when Grace woke up.  When they finally went down Jacob was so excited!! He looked at the carrots the reindeer ate and was in amazement.  Grace wasn't too phased... all she wanted was a waffle! Silly girl... she has a one track mind... FOOD!  The kids opened their gifts (so did Greg & I) and Jacob was thrilled to see his car carrier.  Of course we had the "Let's open this... as we unwrapped each gift).  I too wanted to open mine... my 15.6 inch LCD HDTV and Digital Picture Frame all in one!  I think the real reason I got it is because it has a digital recipe thing on it too!! :)  
After our gifts we packed up and headed to the Kohl's.  We let Jacob take his car carrier because he was sooooooo excited about it! (And yes... he did ask where Doe's garbage can was! He realized it wasn't there right away!) We had cinnamon rolls and opened many more gifts there!  Then we had lunch and headed to Doe's.
At Doe's Tete, Gigi and Uncle & Aunt Cathy joined us as we had dinner and opened yet MORE gifts.  Needless to say our car was full and we didn't even have room after our first stop at the Kohl's! We are going to be spending the weekend sorting, organizing and putting things together!

We never got out of our jammies that day (well Greg & I did!).  It was a nice relaxing day... Jacob was so cute.  He really loved opening gifts, helping pass them out and then begging to open things up.  His excitement really shined this year.  Grace on the other hand wasn't very into it.  She opened her baby at our house and never got past it.  Then at the Kohl's all she wanted to do was play with the kitchen! At Doe's she slept through most of it! 

The hardest part of the holiday was not having my Dad around with us... it really put a downer on the whole holiday.  I have many more holidays but they will all be without him... I kept thinking about how he would have been laughing at Jacob and talking about how cute him & Grace are.  He loved them... they could do NO wrong in his eyes.  I thought about how Jacob would have been his little buddy and Grace would be his princess.  He would have gotten a kick out of Grace wearing Jacob's boots and Uncle's hat.  They really remind me of Tim & I... we always adored each other.  Like ANY and EVERY brother and sister we had our moments... as do they. But at the end of the day... we were good kids, that truly loved each other.  

On a side note I did also get a gift certificate for an 4-d ultrasound, which I'm so excited about. Although I won't be going for a couple months... I cannot wait to share it all with you! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pink or Blue???

Today we had our anatomy ultrasound... we took a lot of special guests (Jacob, Grace, Doe, Pa, Tete & Aunt Cathy!) When we got there she asked if only myself & Greg would come in for the serious part and everyone else could come in after the measurements for the fun stuff. We, of course, agreed!
When Greg & I first went in they checked over all of the baby's organs... brain, kidneys, heart as well as structural things (arms, legs, head, stomach size, umbilical cord, placenta) and MY ovaries and uterus. Everything checked out great with the baby (as far as what she has told us, but we know they don't always tell you everything!). The baby weighs about 9 oz currently, which is right on track!! (And right around what both Jacob & Grace weighed). The tech was telling/showing us that the baby had its head right in my placenta and at first it was very hard to get a good shot of the profile, the baby just wouldn't move no matter how much pushing the tech did! She also said it didn't look good as far as finding out the gender since the baby had it's legs "locked" together. Once we had all of our important measurements she sent me on a walk and to do some stairs and then we were to come back with everyone else.
I went and walked very fast then did 4 flights of stairs 3 times... at that point I was totally out of breath! Then we got the rest of our guests and headed back in! (By this point I was feeling more like it might be a girl since we had the exact issue with Grace!). We did a little more poking and looked at some fun stuff with the rest of the crew. They had a really cool shot of baby's arm & leg's. Still nothing!! So then it was off to the bathroom and a couple of jumping jacks... when I came back in we tried again. By this time I had almost lost hope of finding out! When... baby GIRL Kohl gave us a peek! Yup, another girl!! I was totally surprised!!
In all the poking and pushing I also did feel the baby move a tiny bit... which was so awesome! It's one thing to feel movement but to see it as you are feeling it is the BEST!!
The best part was seeing Jacob see the baby on the screen and he just watched so patiently. He kept saying he wanted a sister until they said it was a girl... then he wanted a brother! Grace just watched me and kept saying "Mommy" in her worried little voice.
After the ultrasound the gang met up with Mimi & Bubba at Red Robin for some lunch. It was such a nice day... I missed out on my usual shopping trip but I'll make it up soon! (I always go and get an outfit after finding out but because it was Christmas Eve and we had plans I had to skip out on that!!)
I'm so happy that Grace will have a sister... that is something I've always wanted. Yet, I do feel a little sad for Jacob knowing he won't have a brother. Another plus is our clothes for number 3 will be perfect since Grace & this little girl will have been born in the same season!
Here are a couple of pictures from our ultrasound. I tried to upload them the best that I can... my tech man isn't here!! Hope you can see them! ENJOY!
Don't miss out on the new poll... we think we have her name but want to be REALLY sure!! :)
Left: Baby's Feet / Right: Looking Right At You!

The 4 Profile Shots (Top Left is the best... the other 3 were taken when the baby had her head nestled in the placenta.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Update On Sad Day...

So it got worse when we got home today... at bedtime Jacob cried hysterically (leading Mommy to start too... and Grace to start with her barrage of hugs, as she hates when anyone cries) that his "froggies" are gone!! We kept trying to tell him he was going to have a big boy room (however not giving away the theme that Santa will bring!).  He was just not going for it! Hopefully it was just him being tired, and he'll feel better about it all tomorrow... I SURE hope so! 

Sad Day...

On Sunday's we usually venture off to see Gigi but due to the inclement weather we decided to stay home... only until I remembered I had asked Greg to take down the border in Jacob's nursery to prepare for the "transition". We are currently working on getting him new furniture, Santa is suppose to bring the bedding, and we have to paint all in the next month. We are working hard to get this done before Jacob realizes he is losing his crib and "baby items" to someone new. (He really has not been told yet about number 3). Poor number 3 will be bunking with Mom & Dad until the market turns around we gain another residence. So since my "little" boy is already 3 we figured we better move him before he felt like he was being moved for someone else. I know it is time for him and he will LOVE his new room, but it was so sad to think of all the work and love we put into his room... not to mention the countless memories and hours of new parenthood and love that were shared in that nursery. Ok... now its official I'm a mess!

I know the room and memories are still there I just get a little sentimental thinking about how quickly Jacob is growing up. Only three years he spent in that room with those things... now its onto more "big boyish" things and problems.

I hope this project wraps up quickly... I think the part that makes it hardest is that instead of just moving him we have to take down what we have already done. I wish we could have just moved him and put the new baby in there. I think that would have made it easier... now we just have to paint and put together and Jacob will have his new room. I'm sure that excitment in him will make me feel better about all of this!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Party & More!!

Tonight we went to the Dillon Christmas Party... it sure was fun! The kids had a blast playing and eating (their diet that night consisted of rolls, cookies, and juice!). The highlight was the countless games of ring around the rosey!

After the party Tete, Doe & I had a wrapping party... we got it all done! YEAH!!

On a side note that I hate to even mention I've been feeling really good lately. Hopefully I'm on the upward slope. This isn't to say I haven't been dry heaving, because I have, but not throwing up as much is a total plus! I am still down 15 but I think that is about to change and FAST!

I'm so excited for my ultrasound on Wednesday (3 more days!). I'm still going back and forth in my head about finding out the gender. Although I know when push comes to shove I'll certainly cave. (I've ALWAYS been a peeker!!) I can't quite wrap my head around the issue that all my friends tell me is the best part about not finding out... their only pro is the so called "surprise". I've been working on this one in my head and it doesn't make sense... why will I not be surprised on Wednesday?? The poll shows only 6 say I should wait... why wait that extra 4 months for the same surprise... help me out? Am I missing something?!?!?!??!

Oh and since the poll is now closed... I'll tell you my gender hunch. I really think boy (although I've been wrong twice before). For some reason, even growing up, I have always thought of myself with 2 boys and a girl... the girl in the middle. I can totally imagine Grace being the only girl, and COMPLETELY loving it. I have always liked the 2 boy/1 girl families. I think the siblings seem to mesh as the boys are much more welcoming and inviting than the girls seem to be to the boy when its reverse. This is not to say that I wouldn't love having a girl again... I would be totally happy with either. I think each of my children have brought me equal joy and I think they both are in my life for their own reason. I'm just giving a background of my thoughts so you know why I think it is a boy! I don't really have any of the same cravings (actually TOTALLY different and way stronger this time). I am sick like I was with Grace, alot of dry heaves, but feeling better sooner. I feel like I'm carrying up high... like with Jacob. Boy name is still on the fence, girl name has been almost 99% decided. And the heartrate has been high (it was with both kids!). The chinese gender chart says boy. The fact that the season is different and none of Jacob's clothes will work... but for a girl it would... leads me to believe boy. AND lastly... Doe (my Mom) says boy and I think she might be in for a lucky streak so I'm going with BOY!! Only time will tell, and like I said... I'm excited and happy for whatever the outcome!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Today Jacob, Grace, Baby Kohl & I had a nice snow day!! We got up super early for some unknown reason and watched the wiggles and had our breakfast.... when Jacob started bugging me to go outside, it didn't take long before Grace too was chanting "OUTSIDE!".  I finally caved and took them out (when the sun was kind of out) and we shoveled, attempted to make a snowman (not packing snow), caught snowflakes on our tongues, fell in the snow a few times (well the kids did), I pulled them in the sled, and they had an all around good time.  We even heard thunder!

After our stint outside we headed in to warm up and play a little inside... after lunch the kids laid down at 1:15 and didn't get up till 5! I guess being outside really wiped them out.  

By this time Daddy was attempting to get into the driveway so we went out again and the kids helped shovel and played in their cottage.  (Grace has an issue with taking her mittens off, I think its because they hamper her style!).  By the time we got in everyone was hungry so we made dinner then had baths then it was back to bed! 

What a nice day off... just wish I could have gotten some shopping done today! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

FUN This Week!

On Monday we got to make cookies with Doe & Tete! Jacob had fun and loved doing it, Grace loved eating them! 

On Tuesday we started our "Elf on a Shelf" tradition... Jacob was amazed the next morning when the elf was sitting on the drum set.  He said perhaps he was playing Rock Band 2. I would really recommend this tradition, I'd love to do it in my classroom too, it was alot of fun to read and I think the kids really love it! 

On Wednesday we went shopping with Doe (Daddy's Basketball night)... exploring the new "Buy, Buy, Baby" store and Costco! 

Thursday we made cookies at Doe's (Daddy's second night of B-ball!) and then headed out to see Sophie.  Jacob & Grace had so much fun entertaining her while her Mommy & Daddy were out.  Sophie licked them all up and played so hard with them, they all had a great time!

Can't wait to see what the rest of the week will bring! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jacob's School Christmas Party!

I took off the day (and I was so glad I did!) to attend Jacob's school Christmas party.  Jacob was so excited for me to take him to school, he just couldn't believe I was actually going to do it! When we got there he whimpered a little, but I told him he couldn't cry or I couldn't come back to the party, he quickly stopped.  Sister & I left and promised to be back for the party!
When we came back Grace encountered Santa in the hallway and quickly jumped into my arms. She even almost sneered at his candy cane! We went into the party and got to hear "Jingle Bells" & "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".  Jacob did a good job singing although made a pouty face in between smirks. (It was like he was a little embarrassed!)  After the performance we (well Jacob) enjoyed cookies made by the kids. Before eating the kids washed their hands, Jacob waited so patiently in line as so many children cut right in front of him! I didn't think anything of what he was doing, but was amazed that so many parents would let their child do that... even at 3.  Each child made three cookies to share with their family but we let Jacob have them.  They were covered in green sprinkles!! Jacob & Grace ate their cookies and then headed back to play!  Jacob again sat at a table full of girls! When it was time to go Jacob actually said he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and play!!!

Mrs. White & I talked for quite a while during the party.  She mentioned that Jacob talks about me constantly... which did make me a little sad.  She said he has come a long way but still prefers watching what her & Mrs. Lee are doing as opposed to playing with the other children (no big surprise, he his totally into adults over children!).  She also mentioned that she tries to encourage him to play with the others.  (I am fully aware of kids like this, each year I have one or two that would prefer talking with me over recess.  I almost always feel that they are more mature than their playmates... so I wondered if she thought the same thing).  Mrs. White said he is a very big observer and takes it all in.  Mrs. Lee said she expects Jacob to come around in March! :)  At least she has hopes for him!! When we left Mrs. Lee gave Jacob a huge hug & kiss & he also got a hug from Mrs. White. 

I took lots of pictures & Doe took tons of video (but I don't think I can get the video on here with her camera).  Pictures soon!

Once again we had a hard time fighting away the comments on his adorable coat and hat!  

Monday, December 15, 2008

Greg's Boy...

Tonight Greg was sharing with me how everyone at his work was raving about Jacob! Apparently his hat & coat were the hit of the party yesterday!! One guy had to pick up Jacob's picture with Santa and he said he was easy to find in his dapper little outfit!  His new gray pea coat and golfer's patchwork hat have been continuously raved about since he got them... one of my best purchases, if I do say so myself! 

Speaking of yesterday, as we were walking around we couldn't go anywhere with someone mentioning him, his coat or his hat! Everyone just raved about it... nothing new since last year we had the same experience with his coat and hat!  

One older woman that works there said it's just a shame more parents' don't teach their children how to dress nicely and expect that from them.... we don't expect it from him, he just really enjoys doing it! Not to mention Mommy loves dressing her little guy up! :) 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Frosty Fun Fest & Free Eats!!

Whew.... that was alot of "F's"!! Today Greg & I took Jacob to Greg's work party for children called the "Frosty Fun Fest".  (It was during nap time and with Free Eats that same night we thought it might be too much for Grace... and it would have been a little "old" for her.)  Jacob got to get his picture taken with Santa (Santa said Jacob was very distinguished in his hat & coat... he left it on even for the pictures), see reindeer, see sled dogs, make five different crafts (a snowman gift bag, a penguin clay pot santa, a snowflake beaded bracelet, reindeer antlers, and a picture frame!) and have a cookie with lots of sprinkles!! He had an awesome time... he really enjoyed the crafts but he said he had the most fun seeing the horses (they had horse drawn carriage rides but it was a little cold for that, so we opted out!).  

Tonight we had our Christmas Free Eats... the kids got so many nice things.  Jacob was so excited about presents... he wanted to unwrap everyone's!  I cannot wait to see his face on Christmas Day! Grace was more into wandering around and occasionally opening gifts... she is just too funny!  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Catching the Holiday Spirit!

Today we were definitely in the holiday spirit!! We started out the day with some holiday shopping... we are almost finished! Just a couple of people to get some gift cards for and we should be done! :)  YEAH!
I decided to start some wrapping during nap... Jacob and Grace were wiped from the big trip so not only did I get my laundry done but I also got most of my wrapping done before Jacob got up. Jacob got up and decided to help me out (we had another hour before Grace woke up at 5 pm... and she went to bed at 1:30!)... well after a ton of tape and not just one label per package (in most cases two, but really special ones got three, lol!) we were finished.  Well I was, but Jacob was like the energizer bunny and wanted to keep going!
I lured him into the next activity on our agenda for the day... GINGERBREAD HOUSES!  He was so excited to do this since we bought the kit the day after Thanksgiving!  It was quite the project... Greg and I were head to toe icing and Grace and Jacob decided to eat more of the candy than we put on the house (only later did Greg ask if it was truly edible!!).  Jacob was so into it... he didn't even notice the side wall collapsing! I asked Jacob if he had a good time, and he said he did... totally worth it (and in it I remembered I need a new hand mixer!) We have pictures, we'll get up soon. Greg is behind in our picture posts... he has been super busy and we just haven't a chance to get to it... but SOON! 

Speaking of spirit... Grace has been so funny lately.  The last time we came back from up north she had started saying "YOU" usually with a finger point involved! The way she says it is so cute.... we thought she was just saying it to say it, but lately if you say I love you to her.... she replies back with a big ol' YYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU.... like a hell yeah! It is so adorable! Another sign of spirit is from Jacob this morning... I was telling him I wanted a sister.  I said can Grace be my sister (he almost always calls Grace "Sister" now)... he said I'll get a sister for Christmas, interesting!
One more cute holiday story... today when we were at Nordstrom, Jacob was finding every toy they had.  I just kept saying my line "You'll have to ask Santa for that." At one point Jacob said "I Did Mom!" So I replied... "What did he say?" Jacob says, "I can have it!" Too smart for his own good. 

Only 11 days until our ultrasound.  Still no weight gain... still losing.  Down 15 lbs.  

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa & The Polar Express

Today we had a busy day... in preparation for the holiday! On our way to Gigi's we stopped by Weigand's to see Santa.  Grace, of course, hated it! As soon as Santa came out she became stuck to Mommy like glue... only speaking to Santa as he offered her a sucker... then off she ran.  Jacob really surprised us.  Not only did he like Elvin the Elf, he warmed up really quickly to Santa.  He went up to him and when Santa asked him what he wanted he quickly replied a "Car Carrier". Then Santa asked him what else, to which he replied... a GARBAGE CAN!  I couldn't help but chuckle.  I couldn't figure out what he was thinking!  After Santa we enjoyed our suckers and watched the other kids.  I asked Jacob about his garbage can... he said he needed a green one for Doe! How sweet!! I guess he thinks since she puts her garbage out in bags she needs something like that!  Let me tell you Santa has his hands full just in looking at the line... some parent's/guardian's really let their children do WHATEVER they want... it is so obnoxious.  I'm really glad that my children do not do that, they really are well behaved.
After Santa we went to visit Gigi for the afternoon... our typical Sunday's!  Then Jacob & I dropped Doe & Grace off at Doe's and we headed to Red Robin to meet Daddy, Andy, Andrea, and Conrad.  We had a nice dinner... and then off we went to the POLAR EXPRESS!  Jacob & Conrad got their jammies on while enjoying the wiggles in the back of Conrad's van.  It was so super cold out that night, but we did fine!  We are TOUGH!! :)  We went through the "candy corn" arches (Jacob has been calling candy canes... candy corns!) and then grabbed our hot chocolate, cookies, and goody bags (conductor hat, song book) and boarded the train.  Once on board the boys really were mesmerized by the whole situation.... the train all decorated with Christmas lights, the children, and even a conductor!  We heard songs, listened to Rudolph read polar express, saw Rudolph, Frosty & SANTA! Santa even gave everyone a silver bell!  We took lots of pictures and videos, it really was a nice time! After the train ride we got a train whistle and off we went.  I think both the boys had a nice time... it was especially nice for us to spend a night with Jacob.  It's very special to have that one-on-one time with them doing something that they enjoy.  Jacob talked about the train ride the whole next day, you could tell he really was captivated by the whole experience!  We can't wait for next year! 

Friday, December 5, 2008

Daddy's 30th Birthday!

Tonight we celebrated with Daddy in honor of his 30th birthday!! Mommy had a surprise party for him and we had so much fun!! After the party we headed back to Doe's and were so tired we slept till 10 am the next morning!

Grace Is 20 Months Old...

Grace has added alot more words this month including some important family members... Pa, Mimi, Bubba, Con (Conrad).  She also has started saying other words like tree, money, pizza, fruit, and sooooo many more.  

She also knows many of her colors, especially the basics... tonight when she was getting her jammies on she kept saying "pink".  

She can identify and name most of her body parts as well as other people's.  She is constantly pointing to my nose and eyes... and saying nose/eyes.

Grace has continued to be a super eater... she will really try anything.  She loves pizza, pasta, fruit, cheese, bars, and anything sweet! 

The WIGGLES are the hottest thing in the household.  Both Jacob & Grace are really into the songs and dances that the wiggles sing and will dance around as soon as they hear them!! Grace loves her babies and is such a little mother hen.  She always is wanting to help out with babies... getting them burp cloths, buh's, WHATEVER!  She has also started to want to sleep with her little baby (although I say its a little hard and plastic like to sleep with, she just loves it!).  

We are still having clothing issues... 12-18 month clothes fit perfectly.  Everything else is still too big.  Shoes are going at a 6 (although we need to get remeasured as some shoes she has seem a little small) and hats are about a size 12-24 months.  She is still our little peanut! 

Although Grace started out as a big time Daddy's girl, lately she can't get enough of Mommy! She is so sweet and I never mind cuddling up with her (which is a definite favorite thing of hers).

She is a super sleeper... she has come a long way in that department.  Today she slept in till 1o am.... and went to bed at 9! Then she proceeded to take a 2 hour afternoon nap.  What a girl! 

Our Little Elves!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, December 1, 2008

Doctor's Visit For Baby!

Today baby Kohl & I were checked out by Dr. Mikula. My vitals all checked out perfectly!! I did lose about 14 lbs so far... but they aren't too worried about it. I had my thyroid checked, and the results should be back tomorrow (they check it monthly). We had quite the time hearing the baby's heartrate... but it ended up being 156 bpm. The baby was ALL over the place... and the first doppler's battery started to go so were were joking that I either had a CB in my belly or my lunch was very out of control. After about 5 minutes we got a good read on the little heartbeat.
Dr. Mikula wrote out my script for my ultrasound which is again on the 24th. She also told me to make my own decision about finding out.. and not to listen to anyone else! :)
My next appointment is on 12.30.08.