Friday, December 26, 2008

Ho, Ho, Ho!!

Whew... it has been a busy couple of days.  After our ultrasound on Christmas Eve we went to Tete's for our annual Morang get together.  It was so much fun.  The food was DEEEE-licious and the kids had a great time playing with Casper, eating, opening gifts, and soaking in the holidays with family. By the time we got home and got things all ready to go for Christmas we were exhausted... I laid in bed and our baby girl (number 3) wouldn't stop moving.  I felt her for quite a while that night! It was the first time, and it was so awesome that it was the night before CHRISTMAS!
Christmas morning was a whirlwind.  Jacob got up about 7 and we kept him at bay in our room until 8 when Grace woke up.  When they finally went down Jacob was so excited!! He looked at the carrots the reindeer ate and was in amazement.  Grace wasn't too phased... all she wanted was a waffle! Silly girl... she has a one track mind... FOOD!  The kids opened their gifts (so did Greg & I) and Jacob was thrilled to see his car carrier.  Of course we had the "Let's open this... as we unwrapped each gift).  I too wanted to open mine... my 15.6 inch LCD HDTV and Digital Picture Frame all in one!  I think the real reason I got it is because it has a digital recipe thing on it too!! :)  
After our gifts we packed up and headed to the Kohl's.  We let Jacob take his car carrier because he was sooooooo excited about it! (And yes... he did ask where Doe's garbage can was! He realized it wasn't there right away!) We had cinnamon rolls and opened many more gifts there!  Then we had lunch and headed to Doe's.
At Doe's Tete, Gigi and Uncle & Aunt Cathy joined us as we had dinner and opened yet MORE gifts.  Needless to say our car was full and we didn't even have room after our first stop at the Kohl's! We are going to be spending the weekend sorting, organizing and putting things together!

We never got out of our jammies that day (well Greg & I did!).  It was a nice relaxing day... Jacob was so cute.  He really loved opening gifts, helping pass them out and then begging to open things up.  His excitement really shined this year.  Grace on the other hand wasn't very into it.  She opened her baby at our house and never got past it.  Then at the Kohl's all she wanted to do was play with the kitchen! At Doe's she slept through most of it! 

The hardest part of the holiday was not having my Dad around with us... it really put a downer on the whole holiday.  I have many more holidays but they will all be without him... I kept thinking about how he would have been laughing at Jacob and talking about how cute him & Grace are.  He loved them... they could do NO wrong in his eyes.  I thought about how Jacob would have been his little buddy and Grace would be his princess.  He would have gotten a kick out of Grace wearing Jacob's boots and Uncle's hat.  They really remind me of Tim & I... we always adored each other.  Like ANY and EVERY brother and sister we had our moments... as do they. But at the end of the day... we were good kids, that truly loved each other.  

On a side note I did also get a gift certificate for an 4-d ultrasound, which I'm so excited about. Although I won't be going for a couple months... I cannot wait to share it all with you! 

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