Friday, December 5, 2008

Grace Is 20 Months Old...

Grace has added alot more words this month including some important family members... Pa, Mimi, Bubba, Con (Conrad).  She also has started saying other words like tree, money, pizza, fruit, and sooooo many more.  

She also knows many of her colors, especially the basics... tonight when she was getting her jammies on she kept saying "pink".  

She can identify and name most of her body parts as well as other people's.  She is constantly pointing to my nose and eyes... and saying nose/eyes.

Grace has continued to be a super eater... she will really try anything.  She loves pizza, pasta, fruit, cheese, bars, and anything sweet! 

The WIGGLES are the hottest thing in the household.  Both Jacob & Grace are really into the songs and dances that the wiggles sing and will dance around as soon as they hear them!! Grace loves her babies and is such a little mother hen.  She always is wanting to help out with babies... getting them burp cloths, buh's, WHATEVER!  She has also started to want to sleep with her little baby (although I say its a little hard and plastic like to sleep with, she just loves it!).  

We are still having clothing issues... 12-18 month clothes fit perfectly.  Everything else is still too big.  Shoes are going at a 6 (although we need to get remeasured as some shoes she has seem a little small) and hats are about a size 12-24 months.  She is still our little peanut! 

Although Grace started out as a big time Daddy's girl, lately she can't get enough of Mommy! She is so sweet and I never mind cuddling up with her (which is a definite favorite thing of hers).

She is a super sleeper... she has come a long way in that department.  Today she slept in till 1o am.... and went to bed at 9! Then she proceeded to take a 2 hour afternoon nap.  What a girl! 

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