Monday, December 1, 2008

Doctor's Visit For Baby!

Today baby Kohl & I were checked out by Dr. Mikula. My vitals all checked out perfectly!! I did lose about 14 lbs so far... but they aren't too worried about it. I had my thyroid checked, and the results should be back tomorrow (they check it monthly). We had quite the time hearing the baby's heartrate... but it ended up being 156 bpm. The baby was ALL over the place... and the first doppler's battery started to go so were were joking that I either had a CB in my belly or my lunch was very out of control. After about 5 minutes we got a good read on the little heartbeat.
Dr. Mikula wrote out my script for my ultrasound which is again on the 24th. She also told me to make my own decision about finding out.. and not to listen to anyone else! :)
My next appointment is on 12.30.08.

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