Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pink or Blue???

Today we had our anatomy ultrasound... we took a lot of special guests (Jacob, Grace, Doe, Pa, Tete & Aunt Cathy!) When we got there she asked if only myself & Greg would come in for the serious part and everyone else could come in after the measurements for the fun stuff. We, of course, agreed!
When Greg & I first went in they checked over all of the baby's organs... brain, kidneys, heart as well as structural things (arms, legs, head, stomach size, umbilical cord, placenta) and MY ovaries and uterus. Everything checked out great with the baby (as far as what she has told us, but we know they don't always tell you everything!). The baby weighs about 9 oz currently, which is right on track!! (And right around what both Jacob & Grace weighed). The tech was telling/showing us that the baby had its head right in my placenta and at first it was very hard to get a good shot of the profile, the baby just wouldn't move no matter how much pushing the tech did! She also said it didn't look good as far as finding out the gender since the baby had it's legs "locked" together. Once we had all of our important measurements she sent me on a walk and to do some stairs and then we were to come back with everyone else.
I went and walked very fast then did 4 flights of stairs 3 times... at that point I was totally out of breath! Then we got the rest of our guests and headed back in! (By this point I was feeling more like it might be a girl since we had the exact issue with Grace!). We did a little more poking and looked at some fun stuff with the rest of the crew. They had a really cool shot of baby's arm & leg's. Still nothing!! So then it was off to the bathroom and a couple of jumping jacks... when I came back in we tried again. By this time I had almost lost hope of finding out! When... baby GIRL Kohl gave us a peek! Yup, another girl!! I was totally surprised!!
In all the poking and pushing I also did feel the baby move a tiny bit... which was so awesome! It's one thing to feel movement but to see it as you are feeling it is the BEST!!
The best part was seeing Jacob see the baby on the screen and he just watched so patiently. He kept saying he wanted a sister until they said it was a girl... then he wanted a brother! Grace just watched me and kept saying "Mommy" in her worried little voice.
After the ultrasound the gang met up with Mimi & Bubba at Red Robin for some lunch. It was such a nice day... I missed out on my usual shopping trip but I'll make it up soon! (I always go and get an outfit after finding out but because it was Christmas Eve and we had plans I had to skip out on that!!)
I'm so happy that Grace will have a sister... that is something I've always wanted. Yet, I do feel a little sad for Jacob knowing he won't have a brother. Another plus is our clothes for number 3 will be perfect since Grace & this little girl will have been born in the same season!
Here are a couple of pictures from our ultrasound. I tried to upload them the best that I can... my tech man isn't here!! Hope you can see them! ENJOY!
Don't miss out on the new poll... we think we have her name but want to be REALLY sure!! :)
Left: Baby's Feet / Right: Looking Right At You!

The 4 Profile Shots (Top Left is the best... the other 3 were taken when the baby had her head nestled in the placenta.

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