Friday, December 19, 2008


Today Jacob, Grace, Baby Kohl & I had a nice snow day!! We got up super early for some unknown reason and watched the wiggles and had our breakfast.... when Jacob started bugging me to go outside, it didn't take long before Grace too was chanting "OUTSIDE!".  I finally caved and took them out (when the sun was kind of out) and we shoveled, attempted to make a snowman (not packing snow), caught snowflakes on our tongues, fell in the snow a few times (well the kids did), I pulled them in the sled, and they had an all around good time.  We even heard thunder!

After our stint outside we headed in to warm up and play a little inside... after lunch the kids laid down at 1:15 and didn't get up till 5! I guess being outside really wiped them out.  

By this time Daddy was attempting to get into the driveway so we went out again and the kids helped shovel and played in their cottage.  (Grace has an issue with taking her mittens off, I think its because they hamper her style!).  By the time we got in everyone was hungry so we made dinner then had baths then it was back to bed! 

What a nice day off... just wish I could have gotten some shopping done today! :)

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