Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sad Day...

On Sunday's we usually venture off to see Gigi but due to the inclement weather we decided to stay home... only until I remembered I had asked Greg to take down the border in Jacob's nursery to prepare for the "transition". We are currently working on getting him new furniture, Santa is suppose to bring the bedding, and we have to paint all in the next month. We are working hard to get this done before Jacob realizes he is losing his crib and "baby items" to someone new. (He really has not been told yet about number 3). Poor number 3 will be bunking with Mom & Dad until the market turns around we gain another residence. So since my "little" boy is already 3 we figured we better move him before he felt like he was being moved for someone else. I know it is time for him and he will LOVE his new room, but it was so sad to think of all the work and love we put into his room... not to mention the countless memories and hours of new parenthood and love that were shared in that nursery. Ok... now its official I'm a mess!

I know the room and memories are still there I just get a little sentimental thinking about how quickly Jacob is growing up. Only three years he spent in that room with those things... now its onto more "big boyish" things and problems.

I hope this project wraps up quickly... I think the part that makes it hardest is that instead of just moving him we have to take down what we have already done. I wish we could have just moved him and put the new baby in there. I think that would have made it easier... now we just have to paint and put together and Jacob will have his new room. I'm sure that excitment in him will make me feel better about all of this!

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