Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Party & More!!

Tonight we went to the Dillon Christmas Party... it sure was fun! The kids had a blast playing and eating (their diet that night consisted of rolls, cookies, and juice!). The highlight was the countless games of ring around the rosey!

After the party Tete, Doe & I had a wrapping party... we got it all done! YEAH!!

On a side note that I hate to even mention I've been feeling really good lately. Hopefully I'm on the upward slope. This isn't to say I haven't been dry heaving, because I have, but not throwing up as much is a total plus! I am still down 15 but I think that is about to change and FAST!

I'm so excited for my ultrasound on Wednesday (3 more days!). I'm still going back and forth in my head about finding out the gender. Although I know when push comes to shove I'll certainly cave. (I've ALWAYS been a peeker!!) I can't quite wrap my head around the issue that all my friends tell me is the best part about not finding out... their only pro is the so called "surprise". I've been working on this one in my head and it doesn't make sense... why will I not be surprised on Wednesday?? The poll shows only 6 say I should wait... why wait that extra 4 months for the same surprise... help me out? Am I missing something?!?!?!??!

Oh and since the poll is now closed... I'll tell you my gender hunch. I really think boy (although I've been wrong twice before). For some reason, even growing up, I have always thought of myself with 2 boys and a girl... the girl in the middle. I can totally imagine Grace being the only girl, and COMPLETELY loving it. I have always liked the 2 boy/1 girl families. I think the siblings seem to mesh as the boys are much more welcoming and inviting than the girls seem to be to the boy when its reverse. This is not to say that I wouldn't love having a girl again... I would be totally happy with either. I think each of my children have brought me equal joy and I think they both are in my life for their own reason. I'm just giving a background of my thoughts so you know why I think it is a boy! I don't really have any of the same cravings (actually TOTALLY different and way stronger this time). I am sick like I was with Grace, alot of dry heaves, but feeling better sooner. I feel like I'm carrying up high... like with Jacob. Boy name is still on the fence, girl name has been almost 99% decided. And the heartrate has been high (it was with both kids!). The chinese gender chart says boy. The fact that the season is different and none of Jacob's clothes will work... but for a girl it would... leads me to believe boy. AND lastly... Doe (my Mom) says boy and I think she might be in for a lucky streak so I'm going with BOY!! Only time will tell, and like I said... I'm excited and happy for whatever the outcome!


Anonymous said...

excuse! i'm totally offended! what is wrong with the 2 girl 1 boy families!


Leah said...

I think it's still a surprise the day you give birth, even if you know the sex beforehand. You don't know what the baby looks like - will it have hair, what color eyes will it have, etc...? Isn't that all a surprise!? I say, find out! :)

Anonymous said...

No matter if its a boy or will still be so precious and wonderful. A boy like our sweet loving, caring, helpful and growing up so fast, Jacob!! A spunky,flirty,baby loving,happy,talkative,crazy about her brother, kind of girl like Grace. Another baby, another personality all of its own, Another sweet little face. I don't think we can go wrong. No matter what sex it may be. I want to find out. I am not a "peeker". I, like you, am a planner...LET'S find out. Either way, We have shopping to do!!! Luv, Doe