Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jacob's School Christmas Party!

I took off the day (and I was so glad I did!) to attend Jacob's school Christmas party.  Jacob was so excited for me to take him to school, he just couldn't believe I was actually going to do it! When we got there he whimpered a little, but I told him he couldn't cry or I couldn't come back to the party, he quickly stopped.  Sister & I left and promised to be back for the party!
When we came back Grace encountered Santa in the hallway and quickly jumped into my arms. She even almost sneered at his candy cane! We went into the party and got to hear "Jingle Bells" & "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".  Jacob did a good job singing although made a pouty face in between smirks. (It was like he was a little embarrassed!)  After the performance we (well Jacob) enjoyed cookies made by the kids. Before eating the kids washed their hands, Jacob waited so patiently in line as so many children cut right in front of him! I didn't think anything of what he was doing, but was amazed that so many parents would let their child do that... even at 3.  Each child made three cookies to share with their family but we let Jacob have them.  They were covered in green sprinkles!! Jacob & Grace ate their cookies and then headed back to play!  Jacob again sat at a table full of girls! When it was time to go Jacob actually said he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and play!!!

Mrs. White & I talked for quite a while during the party.  She mentioned that Jacob talks about me constantly... which did make me a little sad.  She said he has come a long way but still prefers watching what her & Mrs. Lee are doing as opposed to playing with the other children (no big surprise, he his totally into adults over children!).  She also mentioned that she tries to encourage him to play with the others.  (I am fully aware of kids like this, each year I have one or two that would prefer talking with me over recess.  I almost always feel that they are more mature than their playmates... so I wondered if she thought the same thing).  Mrs. White said he is a very big observer and takes it all in.  Mrs. Lee said she expects Jacob to come around in March! :)  At least she has hopes for him!! When we left Mrs. Lee gave Jacob a huge hug & kiss & he also got a hug from Mrs. White. 

I took lots of pictures & Doe took tons of video (but I don't think I can get the video on here with her camera).  Pictures soon!

Once again we had a hard time fighting away the comments on his adorable coat and hat!  

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