Monday, August 4, 2008

Gracie is WALKING!!

Well our little girl has FINALLY done it, she's WALKING!! Tonight we were at Gramma Doe's for some of her yummy fried eggplant. Grace wanted Mommy's cell phone so badly... Greg threw it to me and I went to catch it. Well Grace was by the coffee table, she turned around and walked right to me. I was in TOTAL shock!! I thought it might be a fluke, well it wasn't!! She walked numerous times the rest of the night. It was so very exciting, I think even more so since we've waited so long for this special moment! It just really made my day... even more so since it happened on my Dad's birthday. We caught some awesome video of it with the video camera and decided to try to catch a little more with our regular camera so we could upload it for everyone else to see by then she was getting a little tired! Jacob is so cute in it too... walking and saying "walk, walk, walk, lady"... just love it!

Those of you who said 16 months in the poll... WIN!! Although she is still technically 15 months until tomorrow... lol!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... how ADORABLE!! :D I love them - and YOU!! :)