Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Busy, BUSY, Busy DAY!

Today was such a super busy day... I think my head is still spinning, but I loved every minute of it! After I dropped the kids off EARLY (I had a staff meeting at 8, and that was just too early!) Doe took the kids back to her house.  Gigi came and played with Jacob and Doe took Grace to a Parent/Tot gymnastics class (her first one).  She did the balance beam, stretches, punchy balls, somersaults and so much more! Doe said the somersaults were her favorite... she would laugh everytime she did one! I could have guessed that! She looked so precious in her new little chocolate brown and pink warm up nike outfit! Everyone had a little comment on how adorable she is!! The class is ages 18-36 months so she is by far the youngest one there... since she is really only 17 months! :)
Up next after Mom RUSHED out of school and picked up Jacob we headed to Dekeyser for a speech evaluation by Jacob's new speech pathologist, Ms. Ruth.  She was soooooo very nice and Jacob really warmed up to her.  He, of course, cried so hard the whole way there.  He kept saying "Mom, you staying with me?" (This whole nursery school thing has him a wreck!) We did some picture cards and he did SO great! He knew every single one (which really impressed Ms. Ruth, she kept commenting on how many words he has!) Then after he was finished he got to play while we chatted.  He played with trucks, cars, a pizza, and a McDonald's station with the classic drive thru window... he loved that! She talked with me about what he would be working on this year, when he'll be attending, what we need to get for him for speech at school, and we also discussed his apparent allergies.  She said the drooling, picky eating, liking small foods (or foods cut small), cough at night and how he drinks from a straw makes her think he might have allergies.  I too have thought that... she recommended that he see an allergist, so we'll be making that appointment soon.
After that we headed back to Doe's where Lady was already asleep.  Jacob went down for his nap too.  After Grace got up I took her to a Mommy & Me dance class.  I was SOOOOO excited (as I'm sure those of you who know me, and my dance background, and how PASSIONATE I am about little girls and dance would already know I would be the first one to sign my daughter up for DANCE!).  She was one of four and again was just absolutely raved about! One mom said she should be signed up for modeling (thats a rare thing for another mom to say!).  She kept inching into the dance class before it even started.  When we finally got in Grace had had my keys in the hallway and when I took them away she got very upset... so we stared off on a not so good note.  Grace did some stretching and creative dance movements.  She also got to try out a pom pom, the parachute, and bean bags.  It was fun even though she had a harder time with the structured part of this class (gymnastics was a little less structured and she could more or less do what ever she wanted... where at dance she had to go with the group, a little hard for someone her age).  The dance class was also 18-36 months, and again she was the youngest by far.  
After dance we headed back to pick up Jacob from Doe's.  I had promised him a trip to the park if he was a good boy during our busy day, so that's were we headed to next.  The kids had a good time.  It was so precious because they held hands walking into and out of the park.  It melted my heart.  They got to play with some other kids, and Mom got a work out chasing after the two of them by myself! It was a nice night for the park, hopefully we can squeeze in a few more times before the cold weather hits.  
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I had left my camera on Greg's desk while we were getting them off to update the webpage.  SO... I only was able to take some with my camera phone.  
Take my word for it... it was an AWESOME day! 

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