Sunday, September 14, 2008


We just got done uploading a TON of new pictures (see the side.... they are new from July 2008 up).  

We also have some new news... Grace has gone both pee and poop on the potty!!! YEAH Grace!! On Friday (9.12.08) she kept saying Poop, well I saw her start to grunt so I ran her into the bathroom and she pooped on the potty! Well that same evening I was getting her changed and when I got done she was crying and pulling at her clothes.  I was so frustrated as I could not figure out what she wanted, when I set her down she went towards the potty... saying potty the whole way there.  I sat her down on the potty and she went pee.  She is so cute when she "goes" she starts smiling and clapping for herself (she got that because Jacob & I do that to her when she goes too!!). She also loves to "wipe"... such a big girl!!

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