Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mommy's First REAL Day Back & Wiggles Dancers!

Today was my first "official" day back and it was one of my hardest yet. Surprisingly Jacob did great... it was Grace that had a harder time leaving me. She was gripped so tight to my shirt and cried so hard! I hated it!! I don't care what anyone says it just isn't fun leaving your kids!
While I was gone Jacob got to go to Doe's Ford luncheon (where the "ladies" raved at how well behaved he is!) and Grace got to stay with Gigi. She has started to say Gigi (on 9.1.08) and Tete now (9.2.08). When I got home I was so happy to see the kids... they seemed pretty excited to see me too!
After supper Doe & I ran to Kohl's as I'm desperately searching for an outfit for a wedding I'm going to on Friday. Anyways... when I got home I came home to see Greg, Jacob & Grace dancing to the wiggles! It was so cute... I immediately got my camera out. The one downfall of this video is you can hear me singing... WhOoPs!!!! I sometimes get really into those wiggles tunes!! lol... As you'll see Jacob is really into the BIG RED CAR too! I just love these little dancers... also listen to Grace as she notices that I'm home... "MA".

Tomorrow my baby starts nursery school... I'm so excited for him yet sad he is growing up so fast. He is just changing so much, I can't believe how fast it is all happening. Wish us luck, we'll post back soon on his first day!

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