Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Poor Boy...

Our poor boy has been having a terrible time of it with his allergies.  His nose has been runny and he has been having a very dry cough that gets really bad at night.  I'm almost convinced that he may have allergy induced asthma.  I'm going to have to remember to make mention of it at his next doctors appointment.  Since he did have excema as a baby and was also a preemie this is a good possibility.  Hopefully he'll get better soon... in time to start school on Monday! 
I couldn't help but take a picture of him the other night STILL sleeping in the  pack n' play at the cottage.  He is over the "legal load" yet he still sleeps in it and has NEVER attempted to climb out.  Why ruin a good thing, right??? Anywho... here is an adorable picture of him sleeping amongst all of his beloved animals.  Lets see we have dog (the favorite and the dog he got for his first birthday from Bets & Pa), yellow dog (from Tete), maya (from Bets), cheetah (from the zoo), kitty (pound kitty that was MOMMY'S), scruffy (pound puppy that was UNCLES), squirrel (from Bets), Braeden (the baby that was for GRACE for her birthday from Andy & Andrea), 2 bunnies (from Tete), a blanket and his dog pillow (from Aunt Jenn!) WHEW... yup... him & ALL that in one small pack and play! 

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