Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting "Tape Measured" For Tuxedo's!!

Tim, Jon, Greg & Jacob were all measured tonight for their tuxedo's!! Jacob kept saying "Mom, when am I getting tape measured?"  It was so cute!! My heart just melted to see him trying on the little suit coat... he looks absolutely adorable (by far the cutest boy I have ever seen!).  He is so excited about his "tie" (as the miniature groom he's going to match Uncle).  I can't wait to see it... not much longer till I will!

Now... as long as we can get him down that aisle!!!

I also forgot to mention that as of Friday I found out that Jacob will be going to my school for speech instead of his original location.  He also has to only go once a week now... on Tuesdays (of course our busiest day!!)  

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