Monday, September 8, 2008

Nursery School!

Well today was Jacob's first official day of nusery school!! Gramma Doe & Bets were able to both be there with him!! Gigi was so wonderful to come and watch Grace so that they could both be there for Jacob on this special day! He started out very rough (with lots of tears, "DOE, Me pome with you's, and crying) but then he pulled it together enough to make a "Little Turtle", play on the playground with Victoria (our little ladies man), sing, play, read, and even use the "Little Turtle" potty! He had a good day with Mrs. Lee & Mrs. White. When Doe went back to get him Mrs. Lee told her he went in waves with his tears and he decided he didn't want to paint his hands today... from there he told her "Maybe next time Mrs. Lee". He said good-bye and was on his merry way! We are ALL hoping that Wednesday goes better with alot less tears. Doe said the day wiped her right out... she even shed a few tears herself!! (If you would have heard the audio from the video she took so Mommy could see her boy at school, you would have cried too!) I'm actually kind of glad I wasn't there to experience it... I would have been a mess!!

Jacob on his way out (you can see his eyes are still a little red) with Mrs. Lee.

I also wanted to ask everyone to please keep my cousin Jenn, her husband Mike and their four precious babies in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. She is scheduled to have them tomorrow... we are all so anxiously awaiting their arrival and the NAMES! :)

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