Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jacob's First Day of Nursery School!!

Well Jacob had his first day at nursery school today! He was able to meet his teacher and explore the room while Mom filled out paperwork, took pictures, took video, and listened to his teacher explain EVERYTHING! :)  Jacob was so excited about all the toys especially the train track, the vacuum, and the baby area.  We got to find where his cubby is (he is a red balloon, the AM class color/shape) and then later showed it to Doe all by himself! We even checked out the bathroom, gross motor room, and playground.  His teacher Mrs. Lee & her aide seem so nice.  I'm very excited about his year... he seemed to be much better about being there with all of the other children (there will be 19 in his class).  In his class they will be going on field trips as well as having on-site field trips... I could just go on and on about how positive of an experience this is going to be for Jacob! I've heard nothing but wonderful things about this school.... and I'm thrilled he'll be going there! YEAH! On a side note... in his class there seems to be a run on "J" names.  There is a Jade, a Jace, a and 3 Jacob's!! The funny thing is in my 5 years of teaching I've only ever had one Jacob!  Oh well... He was pretty excited that there were going to be more "Jay-pubs".  
Gramma Bets watched Grace so we could just focus on Jacob... she also bought Jacob the cutest little outfit, "Time for School Mouse" book, and the neatest little pencils!! Of course Grace didn't go unnoticed either... she got an outfit and an adorable headband! I can't wait to put it on her!
After school Doe & I took Jacob to Red Robin for lunch and then Jacob & Doe went "dress" shopping with me! I'm going to a wedding on Friday and had nothing to wear... but luckily Jacob found me a perfect black dress! We also got a little sidetracked and Jacob ended up with a WIGGLES big red car (courtesy of Doe) and Grace got ANOTHER halloween costume! 
Check back for our tons of pictures from school soon... its just too late for that tonight!

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