Saturday, December 13, 2008

Catching the Holiday Spirit!

Today we were definitely in the holiday spirit!! We started out the day with some holiday shopping... we are almost finished! Just a couple of people to get some gift cards for and we should be done! :)  YEAH!
I decided to start some wrapping during nap... Jacob and Grace were wiped from the big trip so not only did I get my laundry done but I also got most of my wrapping done before Jacob got up. Jacob got up and decided to help me out (we had another hour before Grace woke up at 5 pm... and she went to bed at 1:30!)... well after a ton of tape and not just one label per package (in most cases two, but really special ones got three, lol!) we were finished.  Well I was, but Jacob was like the energizer bunny and wanted to keep going!
I lured him into the next activity on our agenda for the day... GINGERBREAD HOUSES!  He was so excited to do this since we bought the kit the day after Thanksgiving!  It was quite the project... Greg and I were head to toe icing and Grace and Jacob decided to eat more of the candy than we put on the house (only later did Greg ask if it was truly edible!!).  Jacob was so into it... he didn't even notice the side wall collapsing! I asked Jacob if he had a good time, and he said he did... totally worth it (and in it I remembered I need a new hand mixer!) We have pictures, we'll get up soon. Greg is behind in our picture posts... he has been super busy and we just haven't a chance to get to it... but SOON! 

Speaking of spirit... Grace has been so funny lately.  The last time we came back from up north she had started saying "YOU" usually with a finger point involved! The way she says it is so cute.... we thought she was just saying it to say it, but lately if you say I love you to her.... she replies back with a big ol' YYYYYOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU.... like a hell yeah! It is so adorable! Another sign of spirit is from Jacob this morning... I was telling him I wanted a sister.  I said can Grace be my sister (he almost always calls Grace "Sister" now)... he said I'll get a sister for Christmas, interesting!
One more cute holiday story... today when we were at Nordstrom, Jacob was finding every toy they had.  I just kept saying my line "You'll have to ask Santa for that." At one point Jacob said "I Did Mom!" So I replied... "What did he say?" Jacob says, "I can have it!" Too smart for his own good. 

Only 11 days until our ultrasound.  Still no weight gain... still losing.  Down 15 lbs.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jakey says the funniest things, LOL... that kid is such a ham - I love it!!!!! :) You'll have to make Gracie do the "YOUUUUUU" thing on Christmas Eve so I can see it!! Love you guys!!