Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well tonight Daddy & Pa got the first coat of the light blue on Jacob's walls.  We are doing 3 walls in a light blue and one wall in a darker blue.  So far it looks really nice and I cannot wait to see the finished product! Jacob is getting more and more excited about this transition and cannot wait for his big boy bed to come!

Today Jacob also had a fever... it got up to 102.8 at one point.  He was very tired and laid on the couch most of the day but other than that he had no other symptoms.  I called the doctor and they said to just wait it out, and that the fever is good since it means his body is fighting off the infection.  I've been giving him the motrin so hopefully he'll be better by tomorrow.
Both of them were so tired tonight that Jacob feel asleep on the couch and Grace fell asleep on me while we were watching Planet Earth.  

Greg & I have been making our way through the holiday rubble... trying to organize and sort the new toys and pack away some old things.  The lower level is shaping up we just need to figure out the right tool to organize all of our medium sized toys.  The very big and very small aren't a problem... its the little people farm, the doctor's kit, and countless balls!  UGH... any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

I'm surprised at how many people are voting for our baby girl's name.... I will tell you that the name I like is getting quite a few votes! :)  

I'm off all week, and so looking forward to being with the kids.  We are going to be very busy running errands and such... but I'm glad I won't have to leave them!! :)


Leah said...

I've always liked the name Alexis. That was one of my top names with both pregnancies. But Jeremy kept saying it sounded like a porn star name and wasn't going for it. Love Claire and Olivia, too! Or Olivia and call her Libby. Very cute!

Tracy said...

Leah... that cracks me up! Isn't it funny how most of the times the man has all the opinions!
It's funny how Claire, Alexis & Olivia all have quite a few votes, I thought for sure one would get way more than the next! :)

Leah said...

Yes, that is true. Almost every name reminds Jeremy of something. Either it was a girl he went to school with that picked her nose, something else silly, or the name has already been used in the family. It's funny, my grandma still doesn't get Ava's name right. She ALWAYS spells it Eva. I keep telling her it's AVA. lol.