Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quick Update & 19 Week Doctor's Visit!

Well as of today I think we are FINALLY on the mend.  Both kids were so out of it, clingy, whiny, and tired yesterday yet no one slept.  It was horrible! Jacob started to complain that his mouth hurt so we thought we should take them in.  I was suppose to scrapbook so Greg took them to the night owl (no appointments were available during the day but the time we called).  So... he took them in.  By this time they were down to low grade fevers... Dr. Kalo thought she saw something in the back of Jacob's throat so they did a strep test.  The five minute one came back negative but they are going to send it out just to be sure.  Bottom line... they think it is just a virus! I just knew it! I should have listened to my gut! We were really nervous because the night prior was horrible. One of them was up every hour or so... we ended up with a puppy pile in our bed by morning!
They had taken about 6 naps during the course of the next day, each amounting to no more than an hour. So I really thought the next night would be bad, it wasn't as bad so that was GREAT!
Today they seem to be feeling much better... they slept till 9, had baths & I got their bedding all washed.  I always feel better when I take a shower and get cleaned up a little after being sick, so I thought it might help them too!

Yesterday while we were lounging around I decided to paint my toenails... Grace kept saying "Mommy, ME!" so I did hers too! So cute... in our red nails! Jacob wanted his done too... but I told him Daddy wouldn't appreciate it!

So back to my doctor's appointment! Yesterday I met with Dr. Perry.  When I got there the nurse did all the usual vitals... and guess what... my blood pressure was a little high! Go figure. I told her I had two sick kids and she said it was probably from that, yeah... I'd say so! I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment so I'm still down.

When Dr. Perry came in we talked about my ultrasound (He said it all looked great! They didn't notice the cyst, so that means it is either gone or just hidden by my ever-growing uterus!) I'm measuring within a normal range and although it took a long, long time (it always does with this baby!) he was able to hear a strong heartbeat.  This baby has been totally uncooperative with getting the heartbeat at the doctor's office.  Dr. Perry was about to hook me up to the monitor when we "caught" her! Dr. Perry and I also discussed my induction.  He said... IF... I make it to May 15th (39 Weeks) I will be induced for sure.  He said with my history of high blood pressure and extremely fast labor and deliveries he finds it crucial to delivery at 39 weeks.  He again mentioned potentially not making it to the hospital in time and delivering in the car... YIKES! Dr. Perry said there is no medical reason to keep the baby inside after 39 weeks, so it looks like Doe will get her wish and we won't be having the baby at the cottage! (We always go up north for Memorial Day weekend!) Who knows maybe I won't even make it till the 15th... the doc didn't sound very confident in it... all I want is FAST like I'm use to! Before I left I had my thyroid checked and as long as its fine I won't go back for another 4 weeks. :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such an awesome Mommy! In your week off you gave up so much to spend time with your sick kids. BUT it is just so obvious how much you love them, you donate so much time to them healthy or sick. Some parents seem to run off dropping their kids off on anyone, not you, YOU ROCK!