Monday, December 29, 2008

Still boiling...

Day two of fevers... Jacob peaked at 103.2 this morning, Grace is low grade at about 100.1.  Both kids are just lying around watching movies UNTIL their motrin/tylenol kicks in then they are rearing and ready to go.  I'm having a hard time finding anything really wrong with them.  This morning I asked Jacob what hurt and he said his knee.  Then I proceeded to say.... does your ear hurt... yes... does your eye hurt... yes... does your lip hurt... yes... does your throat hurt... yes.... does your toe hurt... yes... well you get the picture! 
I'm just trying to keep watching them and keep them comfortable. 

Day 2 of jammies & movies! 

As a quick update... both kids are still running temps and its now bedtime.  Grace has reached 101.9 and Jacob was up to 103.5.  Still just waiting it out.  Once they have their medicine (tylenol or motrin) they really are fine.  So... like the doctor said with no real symptoms we are just staying put.  


Leah said...

I know, I thought once Sophie started talking good she would be able to tell me when she doesn't feel good. But she still doesn't quite understand it all. I get the same thing, "yes" to everything I ask. Maybe when they're like five they can tell us what's wrong?!

Tracy said...

Yeah... hopefully 5... doesn't that feel SO far off!
Although maybe they are smarter than us... I know when I'm sick sometimes it does feel like EVERYTHING hurts! lol