Friday, October 31, 2008


The kids had yet another fun filled spooktacular day!!  They started off the day at Mom's school for some party fun and the parade.  Jacob & Grace both walked the parade this year.  Grace even attempted to walk by herself as the parade finished up ( once you get back to your starting point you sit and watch the rest of the classes go by... Grace decided she was going to keep on trucking, I figured she'd turn back eventually and she did!)  They stayed almost the entire time... Grace even managed to try eating off the fruit tray and then put it back after she had it in her mouth! They had a great time!! The kids always love to see them!! 

Tonight we ventured out for our version of trick or treating.  We first headed to Aunt Sandy's brother's house for dinner.  (They invited us, so why not right??)  We had our dinner and then trick or treated to a couple of houses in their neighborhood.  Jacob loved the trick or treating... Grace wanted to eat as we went.  Needless to say her white costume was quite dirty by the end of the night.
After Aunt Sandy's we went to Tete's to see her at work.  Jacob LOVED that part of the night. The candy wasn't what made it so great... it was that he got to go in Tete's ambulance.  He was checking out every nook and crany... buckling himself in... and jumping off like the fireman do! We promised him a trip back, because he really didn't want to leave.  
Next stop was Peen's.  Another fun adventure!! We were spoiled... lots of food and goodies for the kids.  Peen is always so good to us!! Jacob played so nicely there... Grace was a little crabby. She wanted every piece of food and candy in sight.  
Our last visit was with the Kohl's... Andy, Andrea & Conrad were there too (what a nice surprise!)  Jacob and Conrad had fun playing together. 
We put the kids in their adorable skeleton jammies and put them into bed.  They were O-U-T... so tired.  

The night was very nice... the kids had fun... and we visited with alot of special family and friends.  Check out our pictures, the link is on the side.  

First Doctor's Visit

Today I had my 10 week (which really ended up being my 11 week) doctor's appointment.  I saw Dr. Perry... everything checked out good.  We were able to "corner" (Dr. Perry's words) the baby and hear it's little heartbeat, which sounded so good.  All my vitals checked out fine.  I had an exam and got some blood work done.  Dr. Perry said that hopefully I'll be fine this time around, but they'll watch me closely to be sure.  I won't have to go back for 4 more weeks, as long as all my tests come back ok.  As far as my cyst goes... that will be checked again at my 18 week ultrasound.  As long as it doesn't get too large they are just going to let it be (sometimes they can go away after the hormones of pregnancy are gone... we'll see).  My next appointment got pushed back because of Thanksgiving so it will be on December 1st.  

On a humorous note... I realized today I must have been at that office WAY too much with Grace. Dr. Perry & Dr. Torok called me by name when I first entered... as did a few nurses! YIKES! 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zoo BOO!

Tonight we went to the zoo boo with Andy, Andrea, Conrad, Uncle Bob, Doe, Bets, Pa, Mimi & Cam.  We had so much fun!! Prior to leaving we had pizza and goodies at Andy & Andrea's house... then we got the kids ready and took some pictures.  Jacob & Conrad have really come to taking a liking with each other (as Greg said... I think Conrad and Jacob are going to end up being good friends, they really like playing together.)  The kids looked adorable in their costumes... Grace enjoyed her kitten costume as it kept her warm (she didn't even mind keeping the hood up!). They were warm, adorable, and not to awkward!  
Be sure to check out our pictures from the zoo boo... the link is on the side.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy Day for Jacob!!

Jacob had a very busy day today... his day started off with his Halloween party at nursery school! He had so much fun and was the only & most adorable fireman there! They had lots of goodies and lots of fun!!!  
Jacob With A Table Full of LADIES!!
Jacob & His CLASS!!
After cookies with black frosting (yeah nice for the mouth and teeth right?)  We headed to the dentist for his first official cleaning! He did wonderful.  He sat on Mommy's lap and got all of his teeth counted and polished.  After his cleaning "Uncle Frank" came in and gave him an exam, a toothbrush and two prizes!!  He did have some staining on a couple of teeth... it may go away or possible later may need fillings. I guess it is very common with young children who are just learning to brush!  As the hygentist told me he is ahead of most children as so many don't see a dentist till after they are 5!! YIKES.  After Jacob, Mom got her teeth cleaned while Doe watched the kids.  The original plan was for her to take them back for a nap, but when BIG Frank came in she ended up chatting the whole time with him.  I heard some happy screams while I was getting my teeth cleaned (my gums had a rough time this time around) only to find out Jacob was running around in the lobby with just his underwear, wife beater, and navy blue socks (Doe took his costume off so he wouldn't have chalk all over it from the chalk table!!)

Tonight we (Doe, the kids & I ... Daddy was at basketball!) went to the Ford dealership for their halloween party.  (Another excuse for us to wear our costumes!!)  We had hotdogs (yes Jacob had one!!) got some candy, free pumpkins, an adorable picture taken (they are mailing it to us) and had so many people RAVE about Grace and her little costume!! One lady kept coming up and asking about it... I actually lost Grace at one point due to being cornered by this woman... never fear she was found running amongst the new cars! It was a surprisingly fun event!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wedding Weekend!!

This was a crazy busy weekend... at some point I was feeling really emotional about not being really "with" the kids.... here is our wedding weekend recap!

Thursday: Thursday evening we went to Holy Family in Detroit... on the first trip down the aisle Jacob cried as soon as I walked away.  I was VERY worried about how he was going to do... he literally screamed BLOODY MURDER!  The second trip down was way better... he realized Aunt Caffy was there with him and he smiled and did WONDERFUL! (yes I got sick on the way there and BACK!) after that we headed to Champps for the rehearsal dinner.  Last minute we decided to only take Jacob well him and GIGI!  We heard the rehearsal was going to take 2 hours and we didn't want to set Grace up for failure in the church for that long!! Then by the time we even got to Champps it was after 8... we didn't eat till nearly 10!! Although I missed her like crazy, I was glad I didn't take her. It would have been way to hard on her!! We left Champps at 11 and Doe took Jacob home since we were worried he wouldn't be up in time (I was still working in the morning... needless to say he was up at 7:30!!)

Friday: Friday was another party day!! After picking up Jacob's vest (since his came in damaged) we headed to the hotel where the out of town guests were staying for dinner and to meet them all! It was so nice to be able to meet all of Cathy's long distance relatives.  Jacob and Grace had fun gobbling up cookies, cheese, and grapes! YUM!  Tete & Gigi were there with us... and even got to take a trip the pool!  Well... we actually just walked to "look" at it about 100 times!

Saturday: Saturday was the wedding day.  Mommy left at 7:30 to get her hair and makeup done. Daddy was on duty all  by himself!! He took Grace to Bets & Pa's house.... then headed to Uncle's with Jacob for pictures. On the way to the church (in the limo) Greg asked Jacob how he liked the limo... he said "No, Daddy its not a limo... its a big red car!"  When we finally got to the church... we were a little late... but everything went great.  Jacob did SUPER... way better than I could have ever asked for.  He smiled and escorted Guiliana down the aisle!! After the wedding we headed back in the "big red car" to Belle Isle... where Jacob saw his friends... aka the seagull! At the reception the kids both had a blast. After eating (Jacob was at the very end of the head table, which at first made me a little nervous, he ended up doing so good!!) the kids had a couple of hours of dancing.  They loved it!! Jacob rocked the dance floor and Grace enjoyed just running back and forth!! They had their long dances hand in hand... by themselves... and with Guiliana! About 10 Grace had enough so we were going to send her home... when Jacob decided he was ready to go as well.  So we sent them both back to Bets & Pa's house... which really made me sad! It felt like our night with them was so short, but I knew it was best for them.  Although rumor has it the party continued when they got home... apparently they had a second wind!! After they left...Greg and I enjoyed the night visiting, dancing, eating and drinking.  So much so we slept like rocks and in till 10!! I haven't slept till 10 since I don't even know when!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday: After picking up the kids we (Doe, Bets, Pa, Gigi, Tete & Us)  headed to Red Robin to celebrate Jacob's birthday.  He loved when they sang to him and brought the ice cream over.  After lunch we headed back to Doe's... they napped, napped, and napped.  Tete volunteered to stay with them while we went to the last hurrah of the weekend.  Which was really nice!! I was so glad they were able to sleep, relax and just be kids.  I don't know how well they would have done at the party with the amount of sleep they were running on.  

All in all... although it was crazy busy... we enjoyed all of it!! Congratulations Tim & Cathy!!

On that note here is some fun videos from the limo ride & dancing.... ENJOY!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jacob is 3!!!

I cannot believe my "baby" is 3!!!  He has grown up to be such a nice and handsome little boy. Everywhere we go someone comments on how "GOOD" he is.  He has always been such a good boy.  Even as a baby he was rarely fussy, slept good, ate good (well lately he has been picky but he still eats GOOD... just likes certain things).  I couldn't have picked a better boy!  Each and every day I thank god that I was given "him".  I admire him, adore him, and am astoinshed by the things he does and says every single minute of the day.  He is wise beyond his years... 
He has a very serious side, but yet can turn silly in an instant.  He loves to sing, dance, play, take care of his sister, soccer, the outdoors, coloring, cooking, rock band, crafts, and so much more! 
It is remarkable how many people just really "love" him.  Everyone asks about Jacob... cares about him and thinks about him.  It makes me realize how truly special he is to so many people. He has touched more people's lives than some do in a lifetime. 
I know I'm his Mom and I'm probably just a tad bit partial to him, but so many have told me the same things about him.  I know he must be just as special as I think he is! 
Seeing him gives new meaning to the word "LOVE".  My heart melts for him.  He is an amazing little boy.
I did feel a little for him since this weekend was so busy and I almost felt as if I didn't get a chance to really see or spend time with them.... especially since it was Jacob's birthday.  We did get to take him to Red Robin, which he loved.  Doe, Bets, Pa, Mimi, Gigi & Tete all came too, which was so nice. 
I'll update soon on the wedding filled weekend, so be on the lookout.  Until then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Picked Up Jacob's Tuxedo & TIE!

First of all we had another tear free day at nursery school... well actually he told me he only cried when he got paint on his arm.  He was very concerned about why Mrs. Lee wore her coat all day today... he is such a thinker.
Tonight we went to get our tuxedo & dress for the wedding. Daddy got to get his last night because it came in early!  My dress had to go back because it was too big... not the diet I planned but I guess this morning sickness has a slight benefit.  10 lbs down and the dress needed to be taken in and re-hemmed. In between we went to the mall... ran into Peen & Zeen and got to play for a bit in the play area.  When we went to get Jacob's tuxedo & his TIE (he won't stop talking about his tie!) we found out his vest came back damaged so we have to back to get that as well... what a bummer of a day! I thought we'd get all our errands done in one evening, NOT.  Jacob was hilarious, but so goofy at the tuxedo place.  He was so excited about his tuxedo he was running all around, didn't want to take his tuxedo off and even ran around with just his underwear on!! I tell ya... once this boy gets comfortable with you, LOOK OUT!  He is totally different than the shy, quiet boy he once was! Pictures of our handsome little man coming soon... no peeking until WEDDING day!

Monday, October 20, 2008


No tears today at school... YEAH (2 days and counting!).  At school they also had a live reptile visit, which he absolutely LOVED!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Picking

Today on our way to Gigi's we went to the pumpkin patch for a hay ride and some good old pumpkin picking!! Grace had a hard time staying "up" and not getting tripped up in the vines.  Jacob was such a picky pumpkin picker... too dirty, the stem looked funny, etc, etc, etc!! Finally he found the right one.  He even got a mini hay bale, which he LOVED! :)  It was a beautiful day for the pumpkin patch!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

1, 2...

3... yes Number 3 is on his/her way!! We found out on Sunday, September 21st that we are going to have our 3rd child!! We are so excited and cannot wait to begin this adventure. Our kids have given us so much love, happiness, and joy that we feel so blessed to be welcoming another addition.

On Tuesday (9.23) a nurse from my OB/GYN's office called me and after discussing some history we decided to have some blood work done. My HCG levels were tested on Tuesday... on Wednesday (9.24) the nurse called back to let me know my HCG level was 8,062! She said they were "AWESOME" and I wouldn't hav to repeat the blood draw (sometimes they do this to ensure they are doubling, but since this level is so high they don't need to).

The funniest part of our conversation with the nurse on the day that she initially called me was when she was asking about my previous labor & deliveries. She was floored to hear that my contractions with Grace started only about an hour before I had her and then I pushed for only 6 minutes (and with Jacob my entire labor process was only about 5 hours).... she said that most likely the doctors will be inducing this pregnancy because of the short labor & delivery history. She mentioned that usually the general rule of thumb is that the time is "halved" in the next labor/delivery and she joked that if I'm not induced the next baby might be born at home or in the car... YIKES!! Lets just say that kind of freaked me out... especially since we know how Greg just loves to get his hands dirty, lol.

They also wrote me a script for an ultrasound which I scheduled for Monday, September 29th at 4pm. This will help in determining my dates and to check up on some spotting I had early on. (We believe it may have been due to implantation, but they wanted to check to be sure). At my ultrasound the tech said that everything looked great. She believed me to be 6.5 weeks instead of the 8.5 weeks my doctor had written on the script (this was based on my LMP). We got to see the baby's heartbeat and she mentioned the baby is currently .41 cm!! The day after my ultrasound Dr. Perry called me to let me know the results... MAY 22, 2009 is the official due date. (Opposed to my first due date of May 7, 2009 based on the 8.5 weeks that I knew I wasn't!). Dr. Perry also mentioned that I have a small cyst on my right ovary. It will be monitored throughout the pregnancy... he mentioned that they will watch me closely due to the history of high blood pressure and now this cyst. I always feel so safe with them... they really are so very cautious and do a wonderful job of monitoring me!

On a side note I have a couple of other posts from week 8 and before... so if you want to read those just scroll down.  :) Those were posted on the actual days I wrote them, but I didn't publish them till just now. 

Next doctor's appointment is scheduled for 10.31.08... HALLOWEEN!

Jacob's 3rd Birthday Party!!

Because of the wedding and all of the fun things going on next weekend we decided to have Jacob's birthday party today.  It was sooooo nice and the weather was an absolute perfect fall day!! We had our monkey themed party outside at Macomb Corner's Park... Jacob was so excited about that, since he loves parks!! We just had some family and a couple of close friends... for a chili cookout, lots of sweets, and FUN! Conrad, Grace, Jacob & Cameron had a really good time!  Jacob enjoyed his cake and even shared some bites with his sister... he later told me his least favorite part was his candle (it was a NUMBER 3 sparkler and he said it was too close to his face and he didn't want one like that again).  He could hardly wait to open his presents... and loved EVERY single thing he got... even the cards! He is at such a fun age and really gets "into" things and people.  He even met a few friends at the park... 
After the party a few of us headed back to play at the Kohl's... the kids (Conrad, Grace & Jacob) always have such a nice time together.  
When we got home and I laid Jacob down to bed he called me shortly after I laid him down... I went back in.  He said "Mom, I need another kiss... thanks for all my presents".  That right there was ALL worth it!! 
He is already talking about his party "NEXT WEEKEND"... I don't think he understands that his real birthday is next weekend, I think he is just loving this party stuff and wants to have another.  
He is such a special little boy... so perfect in everyway!! I cannot believe my little boy is 3... where did time go???  The boy he has become has been so much more than I could have ever wished for or imagined.  He is the light of our lives... every... single... DAY!  
Stay tuned for pictures coming soon!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Grace's 18 Month Doctor's Visit

Well today turned out be very eventful for our little girl... first off  this morning she was strolling around munching on cinnamon toast at Bet's house when Lucy decided she'd like some too!! Needless to say her hand ended up in Lucy's mouth but it didn't break the skin just looked a little red. Since I already had her doctor's visit planned we figured we'd just wait till then to get it checked out.  So... the afternoon came and, OF COURSE, Grace decided she was going to take a good long nap so Mommy had to wake & take her! On the way to the doctor's office I got a call from the physical therapist we had contacted through the MISD about Grace not walking... she was calling to make sure everything was going well and that she was walking/running/climbing, etc.  She then asked me how her vocabulary was... I said "Well she has some words.... Ma, Dada, Doe, Bra (brother), key, see, dog, hi, potty, please, no, bye-ya, teeth, shoe, and I'm sure there's a few more". She asked if she had about 40-50 words.. um No.  Then she asked if she was putting words together... um no! So she then asked if I would be interested in having an evaluation done.  I said SURE, I'd rather be proactive than sit around and worry about it.  So they connected me with the assessment line and we made her an appointment for the 13th of November.  She may or may not qualify but I'm sure its better to have her evaluated than just wait around.  THEN... just about the time I was through with my conversation with them we arrived at the doctor's office.  Grace was so "silly" and made all of her lovely faces for the doctor and nurses.  She weighed 23 lbs 10 oz (25%tile) and was 31 3/4 inches tall (50%tile).  Dr. Kalo said she is just a "skinny" little girl!  She checked out her eyes (which she thought were very beautiful, of course!) her lungs, ears, teeth, bottom, and her hand (which to get back to that... it was just fine). The doctor & I then discussed Grace's biting of Jacob (maybe Lucy was trying to give her a taste of her own medicine)  she basically said to catch her tell her no (firmly) then remove her from the situation.... we also discussed her willingness to go potty on the toilet (we average about 1-2 times a day).  Dr. Kalo was VERY impressed with that, and told me to keep it up... :).  I mentioned I don't push it but since she has been asking we just go with it. She then told me she was up for 2 vaccines & the flu vaccine (if I was interested... which I was!) AND she also said our office is now doing led level blood work at 18 months.  So if I wanted to do that she could write me a script and I could have the lab do it downstairs... so I agreed.  A little blood work, WHILE I was already there... SURE!  So after the screaming we endured with the three shots... she got some stickers and we headed down stairs.  Here is where it went from good to worse (and yes I know I babble and have long posts... SORRY).  So down we went.  While waiting I ran into a parent from Beck and we talked while Grace ate pretzels and milk... she was so content.  A lab tech came out and called a little boy back... when he came back out he looked horrible.  His Mom said to him "We'll get you someone different next time, it never usually hurts that bad right?"  Well just a couple minutes later... the SAME tech came out and called Grace's name... YIKES!  We went back into the room laid her on the table (yes... she started to scream... recent memories of 3 shots) and the tech stuck the needle in her arm... yes... it must have been in her arm and NOT the vein because no blood was coming out.  All of a sudden she is calling in someone else to help hold the screaming wiggling Grace down and still NO blood.  It felt like five minutes... then her arm started to turn purple.  They pulled the turnakit (I have no clue how to spell that) off and by this time her arm started to look very purple and the tech told me um... she will have a very bad bruise there.  So I'm thinking to myself... lets just go... when they tell me to lay her down and they are going to attempt the other arm.  (Apparently they didn't get into the vein and we think they may have nicked the vein causing the bruise and purpleishness of it.  So I pick Grace up and comfort her a little before laying her back down for round 2!!  By this time the tech's have switched spots and the other one is trying to get the blood.  She sticks the needle in and it appears that we have the SAME problem.  They then call a third person in... by the time she comes in we finally have blood that was coming out!! UGHHHHH...what a long, horrible experience for our poor little girl.  She looked so sad when it was all over, she just slumped over my shoulder and looked exhausted (as was MOMMY!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jacob & Miss. Katie! Plus Drama With GRACE!

Well today at speech we had an AWESOME day.  He walked in and got to meet some other kids at Mom's school... they loved him! They talked to him for quite a while before we headed to see Mrs. Knauf for his weekly sucker!  He picked one for him & one for Gracie and then we were off to see Miss. Katie.  He went right in (well him and his dog Cody) without even looking back.  He even had a gerbera daisy he handpicked for her from Doe's house.  So cute! I sat at my little table in the hallway and watched him have a good time.  He got to do bingo dabbers (on a monkey picture) and he got to use bingo chips for his cards and when he finished the card he used a magnet to pick them all up!! When his time was up they called me in and he showed me his magnet trip and then he got skittles... yummy *now he LOVES Miss. Katie*.  She talked about how smart he was and how when she showed him a picture of a drum he told her he plays rock band with his Daddy.  She got a kick out of that!! She also said while doing his cards she showed him a picture of a dinosaur and then said to him say "Dino" in which he responded... DINOSAUR. She said.... ok... well we are done with that section of cards!  When we got in the car he ate his skittles and told me about each color... "Hey Mom, this orange one matches my shirt... This one matches Cody's collar".  He asked me why I came in??  Could this be the same boy... now he doesn't want me to come into the room with him, lol.
When we got back to Doe's Grace was already asleep so I laid Jacob down and just a short while later I heard Grace crying.  I went in and picked her up... she feel right back to sleep on me but continued to wake crying approximately every 15-20 minutes.  When she would wake she would rub her left eye too... when she finally "got up" we noticed her eye looked pretty swollen and red.  I decided I better take her in, especially with all that we have going on in the next couple of weeks.  Well it turns out they couldn't identify it but did prescribe her some drops. That and they said we could give benadryl if needed.  It was never goopy or looked of pink eye but that is what they called it.... the doctor mentioned she thought it could be the start of a cold, allergies, or pink eye.  Her nose was a little runny but clear, so I really believe it was allergies.  Bottom line.... they didn't know what it was... which makes me even more so think it was allergies.  

Monday, October 13, 2008

Slight Progress...

We have a little progress with Jacob at school... only 2 tears today! He told me that himself!! It was also picture day... and I heard a child cried the entire picture session.... and FINALLY it wasn't my CHILD!! YEAH Jacob!! He showed me his little smile (and it looked FANTASTIC!!)
He was by far the most handsome boy... with his new spiked hair (that he just loves) and his little dress shirt.  SO CUTE!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

BEAUTIFUL Weekend in Caseville!

Doe, Greg, the kids & I headed up north for an AWESOME weekend in Caseville.  There were so many people up this weekend... it was like summer all over again.  Mommy got alot of well needed rest and we even got to go on the beach! I swear we could have even used our bathing suits! On Saturday after Mommy's yummy dinner (yes I cooked!! Gigi inspired me to make Chicken Cacciatore in the crock pot and everyone loved it!) we headed to the county park to check out all the lights and halloween decorations at the campsites. We wished we would have brought our halloween costumes because the kids could have went trick or treating... oh well.  On Saturday Doe, Grace & I even went shopping in the morning while the boys hung out at the beach playing frisbee.  On Sunday after playing outside (having Daddy & Doe make a city out of chalk in the driveway) and spending time on the beach, we ventured back home and it was oh so hard to leave.... we are planning on going up once a month (even though Jacob wants to go every weekend!)  On the downside, Doe forgot to bring her camera and mine had a dead battery... so we have no pictures but the ones on our phones... SORRY!

Friday, October 10, 2008

8 Weeks...

Well as of today I am 8 weeks! I am STILL sick... lost 5 pounds thus far.  It is so different this time because I feel sick all day long.  Also, surprisingly I'm ALWAYS cold.  I don't know what is up with that.  I'm craving anything with carbs and ICE CREAM! I've also been EXTREMELY tired all the time (which never happened to me with Jacob or Grace). 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grace is 18 MONTHS OLD!!

I honestly cannot believe how fast time is going with these two!! The days just seem to zoom by... as we keep up to savor every moment of "them". Grace is walking soooo good now and beginning to look like she is running (although not very fast).
She loves going to both gymnastics and dance... but I think she has more fun at gymnastics since it is a little less structured. She LOVES somersaults! She is so silly... she loves them so much she has even attempted them on the cement outside... yeah... leave it to our little daredevil.
She is so sweet and loveable yet so sassy! Her favorite words continue to be NO, DOG, & MA (MOM). She hasn't picked up a whole lot of new vocabulary which kind of alarms be but we are patiently awaiting her language explosion. She also says (cheese, Doe, Dada, brother, Down, Hi, Bye-ya, and more... I think that is all but I may have missed a few).
She has really taken a liking to her baby dolls and anything that has to do with babies. She just loves them... it is so precious. She also loves FOOD... she always wants to be eating, and spends most of her time trying to pull me or Daddy into the storage room (where we keep our snacks). She just loves to eat!! She isn't a picky eater either, but if she is done or doesn't want what you gave her... LOOK OUT... it will be everywhere. Her favorites are: pizza, peanut butter toast, pretzels, and pretty much anything that is sweet (fruit included!).
Gracie is into shoes, bigtime! She loves to put hers on as well as get other people's shoes and bring them to them! The changing weather has been hard because Grace loves being outside and she could spend all day just walking around and taking all of natures wonders in... she even tries to help Doe clean the birdbath at her house. What a helper!
One major thing that has begun this month is BITING, YIKES! We never had this problem with Jacob. But luckily to date she has only bit mostly Jacob. But yesterday she got Gigi & Doe too! The scary thing is she doesn't really clamp down but she still leaves a mark. Mostly she has gotten Jacob when he is doing something she doesn't like. That doesn't make it acceptable but I'm understanding what to watch for. Her other new trick is hair pulling... UGH! This girl is definitely our little stinker!

Night At Bets & Pa's AND Pumpkin Patch!

Last night Jacob & Grace got to spend the night for the very first time at Bets & Pa's house. They had fun playing outside (making a chalk city... complete with houses, costco, a gas station, nursery school and park), playing with play-doh, eating, bathing AND Jacob even got to sleep in the tent! The three of them wore their adorable skeleton pajamas...
They both did very good and didn't cry except when Greg dropped them off... not bad!

On our way out to Gigi's on Sunday we stopped at a pumpkin patch to take our annual picture on the GIANT pumpkins! Check out our picture link on the side...we got some really cute ones! After our photo shoot we checked out the other pumpkins and I let the two of them pick out a pumpkin for themselves (just a small one this time as we'll get the big ones when we go on the wagon ride). Jacob just loved the pumpkins he was hugging and kissing them all... you can tell he is an OCTOBER baby! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Field Trip To Westview

Today we went to Westview for a field trip with Jacob's nursery school.  Doe, Bets, Mom & Grace all went along too... it was so much fun!! We got to take a wagon/tractor ride to the apple trees and pick some delicious apples.  Jacob did such a great job of pulling them off... he pulled off 6 apples for each of us! After our apple picking adventure we headed to the tent for cider and donuts (which Grace loved) neither one tried the cider.  After the food the kids were able to play on the straw stack, the big play area and visit the petting farm.  Mrs. Lee even gave Jacob some food to feed the goats.  He had such a nice time and I was so glad I was able to be there. The only not so great part of the whole day was that it was really cold (although better cold than cold and rainy, right??) Grace was so cold she almost acted frozen at certain times.  I cannot believe how calm and quiet she was.  She really didn't even ask to get down (which is totally rare for her!). She cuddled the entire time, only to get down and carry her bag of apples like a purse (that almost knocked her over).  

3 Sickies!!

Our sickie total is now 3.  Greg claims his stomach has been bugging him for two days now although he has yet to be "sick".  Grace has thrown up twice so far (once on Monday/once on Tuesday) and tonight Jacob got diaharrea. He told me he had to poop so I ran him into the bathroom and we laughed saying he just barely made it.  Well after a couple of seconds I realized why... he had it twice that night.  To be on the safe side I told him we were putting on "Special Sore Belly Underwear" aka a pull-up.  I hesitated in doing so, but he seemed ok with the idea and I figure better safe than sorry!! Hopefully we'll ALL be better tomorrow....and Mom will stay clear of all this FUN.