Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jacob's 3rd Birthday Party!!

Because of the wedding and all of the fun things going on next weekend we decided to have Jacob's birthday party today.  It was sooooo nice and the weather was an absolute perfect fall day!! We had our monkey themed party outside at Macomb Corner's Park... Jacob was so excited about that, since he loves parks!! We just had some family and a couple of close friends... for a chili cookout, lots of sweets, and FUN! Conrad, Grace, Jacob & Cameron had a really good time!  Jacob enjoyed his cake and even shared some bites with his sister... he later told me his least favorite part was his candle (it was a NUMBER 3 sparkler and he said it was too close to his face and he didn't want one like that again).  He could hardly wait to open his presents... and loved EVERY single thing he got... even the cards! He is at such a fun age and really gets "into" things and people.  He even met a few friends at the park... 
After the party a few of us headed back to play at the Kohl's... the kids (Conrad, Grace & Jacob) always have such a nice time together.  
When we got home and I laid Jacob down to bed he called me shortly after I laid him down... I went back in.  He said "Mom, I need another kiss... thanks for all my presents".  That right there was ALL worth it!! 
He is already talking about his party "NEXT WEEKEND"... I don't think he understands that his real birthday is next weekend, I think he is just loving this party stuff and wants to have another.  
He is such a special little boy... so perfect in everyway!! I cannot believe my little boy is 3... where did time go???  The boy he has become has been so much more than I could have ever wished for or imagined.  He is the light of our lives... every... single... DAY!  
Stay tuned for pictures coming soon!

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