Sunday, October 12, 2008

BEAUTIFUL Weekend in Caseville!

Doe, Greg, the kids & I headed up north for an AWESOME weekend in Caseville.  There were so many people up this weekend... it was like summer all over again.  Mommy got alot of well needed rest and we even got to go on the beach! I swear we could have even used our bathing suits! On Saturday after Mommy's yummy dinner (yes I cooked!! Gigi inspired me to make Chicken Cacciatore in the crock pot and everyone loved it!) we headed to the county park to check out all the lights and halloween decorations at the campsites. We wished we would have brought our halloween costumes because the kids could have went trick or treating... oh well.  On Saturday Doe, Grace & I even went shopping in the morning while the boys hung out at the beach playing frisbee.  On Sunday after playing outside (having Daddy & Doe make a city out of chalk in the driveway) and spending time on the beach, we ventured back home and it was oh so hard to leave.... we are planning on going up once a month (even though Jacob wants to go every weekend!)  On the downside, Doe forgot to bring her camera and mine had a dead battery... so we have no pictures but the ones on our phones... SORRY!

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