Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jacob is 3!!!

I cannot believe my "baby" is 3!!!  He has grown up to be such a nice and handsome little boy. Everywhere we go someone comments on how "GOOD" he is.  He has always been such a good boy.  Even as a baby he was rarely fussy, slept good, ate good (well lately he has been picky but he still eats GOOD... just likes certain things).  I couldn't have picked a better boy!  Each and every day I thank god that I was given "him".  I admire him, adore him, and am astoinshed by the things he does and says every single minute of the day.  He is wise beyond his years... 
He has a very serious side, but yet can turn silly in an instant.  He loves to sing, dance, play, take care of his sister, soccer, the outdoors, coloring, cooking, rock band, crafts, and so much more! 
It is remarkable how many people just really "love" him.  Everyone asks about Jacob... cares about him and thinks about him.  It makes me realize how truly special he is to so many people. He has touched more people's lives than some do in a lifetime. 
I know I'm his Mom and I'm probably just a tad bit partial to him, but so many have told me the same things about him.  I know he must be just as special as I think he is! 
Seeing him gives new meaning to the word "LOVE".  My heart melts for him.  He is an amazing little boy.
I did feel a little for him since this weekend was so busy and I almost felt as if I didn't get a chance to really see or spend time with them.... especially since it was Jacob's birthday.  We did get to take him to Red Robin, which he loved.  Doe, Bets, Pa, Mimi, Gigi & Tete all came too, which was so nice. 
I'll update soon on the wedding filled weekend, so be on the lookout.  Until then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!

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