Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Picked Up Jacob's Tuxedo & TIE!

First of all we had another tear free day at nursery school... well actually he told me he only cried when he got paint on his arm.  He was very concerned about why Mrs. Lee wore her coat all day today... he is such a thinker.
Tonight we went to get our tuxedo & dress for the wedding. Daddy got to get his last night because it came in early!  My dress had to go back because it was too big... not the diet I planned but I guess this morning sickness has a slight benefit.  10 lbs down and the dress needed to be taken in and re-hemmed. In between we went to the mall... ran into Peen & Zeen and got to play for a bit in the play area.  When we went to get Jacob's tuxedo & his TIE (he won't stop talking about his tie!) we found out his vest came back damaged so we have to back to get that as well... what a bummer of a day! I thought we'd get all our errands done in one evening, NOT.  Jacob was hilarious, but so goofy at the tuxedo place.  He was so excited about his tuxedo he was running all around, didn't want to take his tuxedo off and even ran around with just his underwear on!! I tell ya... once this boy gets comfortable with you, LOOK OUT!  He is totally different than the shy, quiet boy he once was! Pictures of our handsome little man coming soon... no peeking until WEDDING day!

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