Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Field Trip To Westview

Today we went to Westview for a field trip with Jacob's nursery school.  Doe, Bets, Mom & Grace all went along too... it was so much fun!! We got to take a wagon/tractor ride to the apple trees and pick some delicious apples.  Jacob did such a great job of pulling them off... he pulled off 6 apples for each of us! After our apple picking adventure we headed to the tent for cider and donuts (which Grace loved) neither one tried the cider.  After the food the kids were able to play on the straw stack, the big play area and visit the petting farm.  Mrs. Lee even gave Jacob some food to feed the goats.  He had such a nice time and I was so glad I was able to be there. The only not so great part of the whole day was that it was really cold (although better cold than cold and rainy, right??) Grace was so cold she almost acted frozen at certain times.  I cannot believe how calm and quiet she was.  She really didn't even ask to get down (which is totally rare for her!). She cuddled the entire time, only to get down and carry her bag of apples like a purse (that almost knocked her over).  

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