Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jacob & Miss. Katie! Plus Drama With GRACE!

Well today at speech we had an AWESOME day.  He walked in and got to meet some other kids at Mom's school... they loved him! They talked to him for quite a while before we headed to see Mrs. Knauf for his weekly sucker!  He picked one for him & one for Gracie and then we were off to see Miss. Katie.  He went right in (well him and his dog Cody) without even looking back.  He even had a gerbera daisy he handpicked for her from Doe's house.  So cute! I sat at my little table in the hallway and watched him have a good time.  He got to do bingo dabbers (on a monkey picture) and he got to use bingo chips for his cards and when he finished the card he used a magnet to pick them all up!! When his time was up they called me in and he showed me his magnet trip and then he got skittles... yummy *now he LOVES Miss. Katie*.  She talked about how smart he was and how when she showed him a picture of a drum he told her he plays rock band with his Daddy.  She got a kick out of that!! She also said while doing his cards she showed him a picture of a dinosaur and then said to him say "Dino" in which he responded... DINOSAUR. She said.... ok... well we are done with that section of cards!  When we got in the car he ate his skittles and told me about each color... "Hey Mom, this orange one matches my shirt... This one matches Cody's collar".  He asked me why I came in??  Could this be the same boy... now he doesn't want me to come into the room with him, lol.
When we got back to Doe's Grace was already asleep so I laid Jacob down and just a short while later I heard Grace crying.  I went in and picked her up... she feel right back to sleep on me but continued to wake crying approximately every 15-20 minutes.  When she would wake she would rub her left eye too... when she finally "got up" we noticed her eye looked pretty swollen and red.  I decided I better take her in, especially with all that we have going on in the next couple of weeks.  Well it turns out they couldn't identify it but did prescribe her some drops. That and they said we could give benadryl if needed.  It was never goopy or looked of pink eye but that is what they called it.... the doctor mentioned she thought it could be the start of a cold, allergies, or pink eye.  Her nose was a little runny but clear, so I really believe it was allergies.  Bottom line.... they didn't know what it was... which makes me even more so think it was allergies.  

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