Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grace is 18 MONTHS OLD!!

I honestly cannot believe how fast time is going with these two!! The days just seem to zoom by... as we keep up to savor every moment of "them". Grace is walking soooo good now and beginning to look like she is running (although not very fast).
She loves going to both gymnastics and dance... but I think she has more fun at gymnastics since it is a little less structured. She LOVES somersaults! She is so silly... she loves them so much she has even attempted them on the cement outside... yeah... leave it to our little daredevil.
She is so sweet and loveable yet so sassy! Her favorite words continue to be NO, DOG, & MA (MOM). She hasn't picked up a whole lot of new vocabulary which kind of alarms be but we are patiently awaiting her language explosion. She also says (cheese, Doe, Dada, brother, Down, Hi, Bye-ya, and more... I think that is all but I may have missed a few).
She has really taken a liking to her baby dolls and anything that has to do with babies. She just loves them... it is so precious. She also loves FOOD... she always wants to be eating, and spends most of her time trying to pull me or Daddy into the storage room (where we keep our snacks). She just loves to eat!! She isn't a picky eater either, but if she is done or doesn't want what you gave her... LOOK OUT... it will be everywhere. Her favorites are: pizza, peanut butter toast, pretzels, and pretty much anything that is sweet (fruit included!).
Gracie is into shoes, bigtime! She loves to put hers on as well as get other people's shoes and bring them to them! The changing weather has been hard because Grace loves being outside and she could spend all day just walking around and taking all of natures wonders in... she even tries to help Doe clean the birdbath at her house. What a helper!
One major thing that has begun this month is BITING, YIKES! We never had this problem with Jacob. But luckily to date she has only bit mostly Jacob. But yesterday she got Gigi & Doe too! The scary thing is she doesn't really clamp down but she still leaves a mark. Mostly she has gotten Jacob when he is doing something she doesn't like. That doesn't make it acceptable but I'm understanding what to watch for. Her other new trick is hair pulling... UGH! This girl is definitely our little stinker!

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