Friday, October 31, 2008


The kids had yet another fun filled spooktacular day!!  They started off the day at Mom's school for some party fun and the parade.  Jacob & Grace both walked the parade this year.  Grace even attempted to walk by herself as the parade finished up ( once you get back to your starting point you sit and watch the rest of the classes go by... Grace decided she was going to keep on trucking, I figured she'd turn back eventually and she did!)  They stayed almost the entire time... Grace even managed to try eating off the fruit tray and then put it back after she had it in her mouth! They had a great time!! The kids always love to see them!! 

Tonight we ventured out for our version of trick or treating.  We first headed to Aunt Sandy's brother's house for dinner.  (They invited us, so why not right??)  We had our dinner and then trick or treated to a couple of houses in their neighborhood.  Jacob loved the trick or treating... Grace wanted to eat as we went.  Needless to say her white costume was quite dirty by the end of the night.
After Aunt Sandy's we went to Tete's to see her at work.  Jacob LOVED that part of the night. The candy wasn't what made it so great... it was that he got to go in Tete's ambulance.  He was checking out every nook and crany... buckling himself in... and jumping off like the fireman do! We promised him a trip back, because he really didn't want to leave.  
Next stop was Peen's.  Another fun adventure!! We were spoiled... lots of food and goodies for the kids.  Peen is always so good to us!! Jacob played so nicely there... Grace was a little crabby. She wanted every piece of food and candy in sight.  
Our last visit was with the Kohl's... Andy, Andrea & Conrad were there too (what a nice surprise!)  Jacob and Conrad had fun playing together. 
We put the kids in their adorable skeleton jammies and put them into bed.  They were O-U-T... so tired.  

The night was very nice... the kids had fun... and we visited with alot of special family and friends.  Check out our pictures, the link is on the side.  

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