Monday, October 27, 2008

Wedding Weekend!!

This was a crazy busy weekend... at some point I was feeling really emotional about not being really "with" the kids.... here is our wedding weekend recap!

Thursday: Thursday evening we went to Holy Family in Detroit... on the first trip down the aisle Jacob cried as soon as I walked away.  I was VERY worried about how he was going to do... he literally screamed BLOODY MURDER!  The second trip down was way better... he realized Aunt Caffy was there with him and he smiled and did WONDERFUL! (yes I got sick on the way there and BACK!) after that we headed to Champps for the rehearsal dinner.  Last minute we decided to only take Jacob well him and GIGI!  We heard the rehearsal was going to take 2 hours and we didn't want to set Grace up for failure in the church for that long!! Then by the time we even got to Champps it was after 8... we didn't eat till nearly 10!! Although I missed her like crazy, I was glad I didn't take her. It would have been way to hard on her!! We left Champps at 11 and Doe took Jacob home since we were worried he wouldn't be up in time (I was still working in the morning... needless to say he was up at 7:30!!)

Friday: Friday was another party day!! After picking up Jacob's vest (since his came in damaged) we headed to the hotel where the out of town guests were staying for dinner and to meet them all! It was so nice to be able to meet all of Cathy's long distance relatives.  Jacob and Grace had fun gobbling up cookies, cheese, and grapes! YUM!  Tete & Gigi were there with us... and even got to take a trip the pool!  Well... we actually just walked to "look" at it about 100 times!

Saturday: Saturday was the wedding day.  Mommy left at 7:30 to get her hair and makeup done. Daddy was on duty all  by himself!! He took Grace to Bets & Pa's house.... then headed to Uncle's with Jacob for pictures. On the way to the church (in the limo) Greg asked Jacob how he liked the limo... he said "No, Daddy its not a limo... its a big red car!"  When we finally got to the church... we were a little late... but everything went great.  Jacob did SUPER... way better than I could have ever asked for.  He smiled and escorted Guiliana down the aisle!! After the wedding we headed back in the "big red car" to Belle Isle... where Jacob saw his friends... aka the seagull! At the reception the kids both had a blast. After eating (Jacob was at the very end of the head table, which at first made me a little nervous, he ended up doing so good!!) the kids had a couple of hours of dancing.  They loved it!! Jacob rocked the dance floor and Grace enjoyed just running back and forth!! They had their long dances hand in hand... by themselves... and with Guiliana! About 10 Grace had enough so we were going to send her home... when Jacob decided he was ready to go as well.  So we sent them both back to Bets & Pa's house... which really made me sad! It felt like our night with them was so short, but I knew it was best for them.  Although rumor has it the party continued when they got home... apparently they had a second wind!! After they left...Greg and I enjoyed the night visiting, dancing, eating and drinking.  So much so we slept like rocks and in till 10!! I haven't slept till 10 since I don't even know when!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday: After picking up the kids we (Doe, Bets, Pa, Gigi, Tete & Us)  headed to Red Robin to celebrate Jacob's birthday.  He loved when they sang to him and brought the ice cream over.  After lunch we headed back to Doe's... they napped, napped, and napped.  Tete volunteered to stay with them while we went to the last hurrah of the weekend.  Which was really nice!! I was so glad they were able to sleep, relax and just be kids.  I don't know how well they would have done at the party with the amount of sleep they were running on.  

All in all... although it was crazy busy... we enjoyed all of it!! Congratulations Tim & Cathy!!

On that note here is some fun videos from the limo ride & dancing.... ENJOY!!

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