Monday, January 26, 2009

Daddy Got To Feel The BABY!

Last night our little girl (number 3) was moving around like crazy... when Greg got into bed I kept telling him to "feel" and he kept missing her or not feeling it.  FINALLY she made a huge kick and Daddy felt her! After that she must have went to sleep because we didn't feel her after that... and Mommy followed her lead by falling asleep shortly there-after!

Feeling movement is such a wonderful thing... I feel so lucky to feel this baby move so much! She has been the biggest mover of the bunch.  Her most active time is when the kids come into school... not sure why (probably the noise) but she goes crazy then! It is quite cute! Her second most active time is at night when I get into bed... other than that I feel her occasionally throughout the day but nothing like those two times! 

As an update to Jacob's move into a big boy bed... he has been doing WONDERFULLY! I cannot even express how excited I am that he is so EXCITED about being in his bed. Not once has he traveled out after being put to bed.  He has called us back in a couple times (this is not uncommon... mainly to fix his music or cover his toes) BUT overall we are so happy with his transition.  His room feels so small now and I've bumped my leg on his night stand twice since I'm not use to all of this in the dark! We have to finish up the final touches and then I promise to post pictures! I just want it all done before we show it off... a few things to go on the walls and a "car" clock Jacob got from his Pops.  Doe gave him the muscle car clock today that we had given my Dad a few years ago.  It makes car noises every hour and Jacob is very excited about it... Doe told him Pops loved him very much and he would want him to have it.  Pops loved Grace's room and I can honestly say I think he would have been very excited about Jacob's new car room (especially the traffic sign Doe & I found on the side of the road).  

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