Saturday, January 17, 2009

Scary Night, Sickness & Productive Saturday!

WOAH... we have had an eventful weekend and its only Saturday! 
Yesterday after our busy morning with Conrad and naps Jacob woke up with a low-grade temp (99.8) along with his runny nose & bad cough (he had had the runny nose and cough for a few days.  We just gave him alot of extra TLC and after quite a bit of resting he seems to be feeling better today.  Fever is gone, nose is still a little yucky and of course the cough is still hanging on.
I decided to still head out to scrapbook like I had originally planned.  All was going well with scrappin' until about an hour after dinner (we had chinese and of course I had the usual fried rice and egg roll... that is all I ever eat because I'm not a huge fan of chinese anyways).  An hour after dinner I got up to look for some paper when I had a horrible pain on the right side of my lower rib cage.  It hurt to breathe, walk, talk, EVERYTHING.  I was very alarmed... I first called my Mom (skipped Greg I knew he would freak out) I was then directed to Tete (I was waiting on her because I knew she'd be out of work soon and didn't want to bother her while she was leaving).  When I talked with Tete she calmed me down and I quickly realized that the baby was still moving and I knew it had to be too high of a pain to be her.  It wasn't crampy or a sick feeling it was like nothing I had ever felt before.  It was almost as if I had a back pain but in my lower chest/upper stomach that went towards my back.  Tete came to visit at scrapbooking and check me out (she is always on call for me! ;))  At first we were both at a loss... then Tete remembered what is there... not my stomach but my gallbladder.  Long story short after about an hour and a half or so I felt so much better... we really think it may have been a gallbladder attack (which is very common for pregnant women).  I'm going to call my doctor on Monday just to give them a heads up but for the record I'm avoiding chinese and hoping this doesn't ever happen again!!  
Today Greg & I were very productive and even got to have dinner with the "fam" crowd... Al, Courtney, Adam, Charlotte & Kyra (all of us family people!).  We FINALLY finished cleaning Greg's computer room. For those of you who have seen it, you know this was no small task!  It only took us two nap times, but it is done and looks great.  I told Greg... don't you just feel better and work better knowing your in a clean room.  I think he thought I was nuts!  The room looks 1000 times better.  We also got alot of other odds and ends done... with only 17 weeks until our little one arrives we (I) am feeling alot of pressure and am very overwhelmed.  I have alot of loose ends that I want to have finished (along with the report cards that are waiting for me... I REFUSE to do them when it takes time away from my own children so they have to get done during nap or bed time).  We still have Jacob furniture and final touches on his room (furniture to come this week) and the new baby's area to get ready.  Let alone working on things to get this house ready to sell, our upcoming trip... 
I better go get something done! 

Be sure to vote in our new poll on the right! AND if you say other you best leave an idea in a comment for me! :) (again you may remain anonymous

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