Saturday, January 24, 2009

Night 2!!

On Thursday Jacob's bed, nightstand, and bookshelf were delivered! (Unfortunately we are still awaiting his dresser).  Al came over to help Daddy put the bed together (luckily everything else was assembled).  We had pizza and Jacob watched them oh so intently! He was so excited. :)
That night we decided to leave his crib up and let him have one more night in the crib since we didn't have his bed rails  yet.  He was fine with this... we just told him it wasn't quite ready yet. On Friday we got his bed rails and put everything else on the bed (sheets, pillow, etc).  He went right to bed and was so excited about how "pomfy" (comfy) his bed was! He slept through the night without getting up! We were thrilled! Jacob has always been so easy with transitions... 
Today at nap we were a bit nervous but he did fine again... and then bedtime tonight... another great job he did. He is excited to be going in the bed! Grace too for that matter.... she loves laying in there (although Greg and I cannot imagine getting her a big girl bed... I can't even think about her in there in that big bed yet! She would be all over the place, besides I'm still getting use to one baby being a big kid!) It seems so strange to think he is in that big huge bed... if anyone had a hard time sleeping last night it was Mommy... I was up for a long time. I kept checking on him and it was like re-living that first night he slept in his crib all by himself.  I was worried about him all night long!  
He loves his bedding and car pillows and for that matter everything in his new room.  We still have some finishing touches to do (pictures to hang, the dresser to get and re-stock, organizing, and a new curtain rod) but so far he is happy and the rest will fall into place.  I too am so happy with his furniture it is all that I could have imagined for him... it is just perfect.  The only hitch is the bed rails (they kind of hamper the bed making but we know they make him feel safe (and us too... so we'll deal with it.) Here are a couple cute pictures of our BIG boy in his new bed! 

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