Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grace is 21 Months Old!

On January 5th Grace turned 21 months old!! It seems weird that our "baby" is now approaching 2!! She has gotten so big and as Greg says she gets "funnier" every day.  She definitely has a totally different personality than Jacob.  She is so outgoing, funny, love able, kind, curious, spunky, flirty, happy, talkative, brother-idolizing, adorable and we just love her more and more EVERY day! She continues to amaze us with all the little things she does and how quickly she is growing into a "little lady".
Grace has really started to "talk" alot more.  She says almost anything... and has quite a few two words phrases.  Some of her favorite (and ours too) are "Bye Dog",  " I  can't", "I did it/I do", "Mommy, Me", "Brother ___ (boots, shoes, coat)", "Dog Out" and "More ____ (any type of food/drink)".  Some of her newest funny words are "Shalom" (she learned this from the wiggles!), tie, teeth, min (vitamin), getti (spaghetti), and any family member's name.  She has names for all of her family (immediate and extended)... and says them very well. 
She still LOVES babies... and are convinced they all need buh's (pacifiers).  Another love of hers is her brothers clothing or shoes... she just cannot get enough of wearing his stuff.  I told her today she should have been a boy as she put on his hat, mittens and boots and then had a fit as I took them off.  She did get her way tonight when we went to Babies R Us... she got to wear Jacob's boots there.  I keep saying I'm not buying her anymore shoes! I REALLY hope she'll outgrow this phase... only time will tell! Another cute little thing she does with her brother is... usually if you ask her whose girl she is she says MAMA! Occasionally she says Daddy, Doe, or even brother.  Jacob loves when she says that, and he often asks her... "Sister, you my girl?". It just cracks me up.
Grace is such an awesome eater... she will eat anything.  Over the last month she has tried vegetable lasagna, spinach stuffed shells, apples and peanut butter (she loves dipping her fingers in the peanut butter), real cooked carrots, and cheesy potatoes (all of which she LOVED).  She still likes her sweets and goodies, but she always eats so good we don't mind.
She has continued to be smaller... most of her 18-24 month clothing is still too big.  As far as shoes go... we have her in a 5.5 or 6 depending on the shoe.  And so unlike Jacob her hats are 12-24 months.... she doesn't have that big old head her brother has! Speaking of heads... her hair is thickening up but still not growing much.  We started to be able to do pigtails... but that requires a longer amount of time and energy so most of the time we still just have one ponytail on top.  
Her favorite toys continue to be babies, phones, keys, strollers, the kitchen (food), and anything Jacob has.  As far as television goes... she is a wiggles fan.  Not much else entertains her. 
Grace is such an outdoor girl... she is always asking to go outside and when she gets there she always wants to "walk" as opposed to being carried and will just walk around aimlessly as long as you let her.  I know she'll be a blast this year at the cottage and I'm sure she'll really enjoy it.
Alot of people have asked about her eye color... I can tell you that I call it hazel.  It isn't a real brown yet not quite green either, somewhere of a mix and I think that is called hazel.  They are very pretty and I often hear that she has my Dad's eyes (well the shape not color).  :)
She loves to be sung too and loves music... she "head bangs" every night when we turn on her white noise CD.  She is now sleeping with her plastic baby doll (from Andy, Andrea & Conrad), her blanky and buh.  She loves going "nighty" and you can tell when she's ready because she starts asking for her baby or buh. 
She runs pretty fast now and has even jumped with two feet a handful of times. She is quite the little dancer! Although she still likes to shovel her food in she is very good at using a "poon" (spoon) or "fork".  She has also mastered drinking from a water bottle all by herself, which I find amazing as I know Jacob still has a hard time doing that.  Straws are very easy for her as well. 
Potty training is still a little ways off for her although she continues to show an interest and often tells us when she is going or has to go potty.  She loves sitting on her little potty. 
I think I covered it all... 

Just as a quick note... our server is being fixed so the picture links on the side are "down".  Greg says it won't be long until they are "up" again. 

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