Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Pome" is Dead... well almost!

Anyone who has been around Jacob knows that he says "pome" instead of "come".  Well yesterday he we started telling him to say "come" and he DID!! So now, even though occasionally he goes back and forth, he can say "COME"! 
I was just talking with Miss. Katie (his speech pathologist) today about how far he has come in just one years time.  Last January (the 15th) he started his speech classes at the MISD.  He was only saying one - two word phrase (anoone... aka... another one).  Miss. Katie was beyond amazed... she said that is absolutely amazing that he has come that far in just one year.  She mentioned she never had seen growth like that.  We talked about how much was developmental as well as how much his early intervention helped him.  I cannot thank everyone who helped us out with that enough!! Now he speaks, and speaks, and speaks, and speaks! Two word phrases are a thing of the past... Miss. Katie said "Now Jacob has 20 word sentences!" He just continues to work so hard and become so much more social... he is a miracle! 
I swear I wish I could advocate for the MISD and early intervention... Jacob is a total poster child! If anyone ever doubted getting help... DON'T! It is the best thing you can do for a child who may need it! 
His main hang-ups in speech currently are ones that he has become accustomed to saying.... mainly switching beginning sounds like the p/come example.  He also continues to have disfluencies... which are totally age appropriate as I'm told.  Especially for children who have such a large vocabulary coming in or exhibit anxiety.  
He is just growing so fast... getting so tall and becoming such a helper. He doesn't want anyone to feel sad or have hurt feelings and he is always ready to go out of his way to help out. He is "growing" everyday as he tells us.  He now can use the potty (for number 1) all by himself... as he use to require a little help getting on and off.  Now he wants his "privacy".  
My "little boy" I guess will always be my "little boy"... he just amazes me everyday.  When I'm with him he just makes me so happy (or as I tell him... he puts a smile on my face!). 


Anonymous said...

lub him!!!

Anonymous said...

loving, helpfull, well mannered,he is always a joy to be around. What would our lives be without that great little guy... DULL!!!!!!!!