Monday, January 12, 2009

House for SALE... Funny BOY!

This morning on our way to my school Jacob was sooooo very talkative.  He talked the whole way there about the houses Pa is building... Mr. Jim & his bobcat... and the doors! Both he & Grace went for a visit to the houses with Daddy yesterday (Mommy was visiting the quads!) and they loved the door handles there! Jacob told me that Pa was working on the houses and Mr. Jim helps Pa.  He went on and on with the WHY questions about why Mr. Jim has a bobcat and Pa doesn't! They were endless!
Then he said to me "Mom we can sell our house and go live in that house!"  I told him that is what we want to do but we have to find someone to buy our house.  He then told me "Mom, we can just give it to somebody." Yeah... you funny boy you! 

On a side note about talking... WOAH... Grace is gaining vocabulary daily.  She is saying so many things and repeating everything! Today she said penguin, I try, I did it, and Poop dog! Those are all new things just today... I can't believe how much she is growing, language wise! She also must be growing in size... last night we celebrated Aunt Cathy's birthday and she ate three pieces of pizza (not totally out of the ordinary for her) Uncle said she is 1/10 his size and eats as much as him (well not quite UNCLE!).  Tonight for dinner she had FOUR bowls of spaghetti, a large dish of pineapple, and yogurt! HUNGRY GIRL!!

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