Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, Funday!

Today... after a very long, not so fun Saturday spent mainly with three small children (who were very cranky, and not very "orderly" as Uncle Tim would say!) and only one care-giver (me! since Greg is in Texas for work and Doe was also away) Mommy almost melted down a few times but luckily we had a much better SUNDAY! We (me, Doe & the kids) headed to church (it was the first time in a VERY long time, way too long of a time!) in the morning (Jacob covered his ears up when the loud music was on... which really cracked me up) and then we went to Gigi's! Alexis got to meet Aunt Donna, Tina, and Ilse!! Tete, Tina & I even took Jacob & Grace to see the baby cows & goats at Crooked Creek.... which Grace described as "stinky" and oddly enough she was very reluctant at even getting out of the car! Jacob loved the little cows but also thought the goats were "ginky" aka "stinky".  He was able to pet three cows... one of which was just born on May 27th.  When we got back Gigi had offered for us to stay for dinner.  We accepted and it was very yummy... Grace at it like crazy and Mommy loved both the dinner and the coconut cream pie... YUM!  Jacob, of course, was picky as usual.  
After dinner we headed back for bedtime... which was much needed.  Jacob didn't get his nap today... and both of them have been a little out of sorts with the move and stuff.  

Alexis continues to become more beautiful every day... she is such a perfect little angel.  Jacob & Grace continue to love and adore her MORE each day.  It amazes me how gentle Jacob has been with her, and Grace now thinks there are no others besides her "baby sider" (she says it so darn cute) what a great big sister she is!! 

Friday, May 29, 2009

News on Us... and ALEXIS!

Memorial day weekend we headed up to spend the weekend in Caseville.  Tete, Tim & Cathy all joined us, it was really alot of fun.  The weather was so nice and Jacob was so excited for Alexis to have her first trip to the cottage.  She also had her first shopping trip with Doe, Tete, Aunt Cathy & Mommy on Saturday 5.23.09 and her first sponge bath at home (well the cottage) on 5.24.09. After we returned it was back to a stressful, chaotic and crazy week of packing!! Luckily my WONDERFUL friends from work delievered home cooked dinners every night... and they were so yummy! Greg said the chicken parmigian was better than any restaurant can make and he wanted every recipe (yeah like I can replicate those things... NOT).  On Tuesday (5.26.09) evening we decided I should take Alexis to the night owl because her umblicial cord was discharging alot, had a funny odor and just didn't look right (neither Jacob's or Grace's ever had this type of an issue).  My Mom said it looked like an earth worm was crawling out (which we were later told was an artery).  Dr. Kalo caterized it and said it was good I brought her in otherwise we would have had a "problem" with it.  It looked so much better when she was done with it. 
Come Wednesday (5.27.09) she had lost her umbilical cord (well actually I cut the lose part off, Dr. Kalo was going to do it but once it was actually hanging I took it into my own hands).
Thursday brought more issues... we were completely moved out completely and had filled our third pod (yes... it was a bit smaller than the other two!!) and we discovered Grace's 2 year molars on the bottom.  They looked like they might had come in a few days prior.  She had been a bit whiny, clingy and has had her hands in her mouth for days... and had been sleeping in till 10 am!! BUT... I wasn't sure what it was... the move, the baby... the teeth???  This kids also took pictures in every single room of our house.  We were just going to do them in their rooms, but Jacob insisted we do EVERY room! Goofy kid!  
On Friday we wrapped up our week! Alexis had her 2 week visit with Dr. S.  She said Lexie looked good.  She now weighed 8 lbs 3 oz.  She cleaned up her cord a bit and gave her the ok to have a real bath.  (Thank GOD!)  She has been such an angel... so good and so calm! After her appointment we headed to our closing.  I cried the whole way there... and couldn't help but drive by our house twice!  We know it is what is best for our whole family, and knew it had to come to this since we were just out growing it, but it didn't make it any easier!  We will miss our first home like crazy and still feel a little lost with this whole move thing.  I hope the kids will be ok... so much going on in their little lives.  Its just too many emotions...what we are glad about is a very nice young couple bought our home. Both of them and their realtor were full of compliments at the closing about our home, its cleanliness, the decor (she said I should be a decorator!), our family, the karma our house gives off, and so much more.  They were so happy with how clean we left things for them... (in all honesty we didn't even have time to clean up like we would have wanted too. She made us feel so good about ourselves and really made us feel how right this should feel.  Once we were done and signed I realized that I wanted to give them our email and phone number in case they needed somthing... so I drove back by.  Their realtor was there, not them. She again made me feel so good... she was just amazed at how well we did in the timeline with a 2 week old baby... I felt a true sense of accomplishment at how much WE had done in the last couple of weeks. After we left Greg said he had heard that Quicken (where Greg works and the couple had their loan) had reached a record for one months time, of 3 billion dollars... it was reached at the same time we signed... its our thought it was our house that pushed it over the top.  Greg hopes that his bonus will be extra big... thanks to our sale! 
We feel glad that the packing and moving stress is behind us.  That we can go on and focus on Alexis... and Jacob & Grace.  It is a relief yet still sad that Jo-Ed will no longer house the Kohl's. One thing that makes me so happy is to know that all three of my children had the chance to come home to the same house, and enjoy our lives there... even if it was for just a short time.  They all were able to live in a house built by their grandpa, how many people can say that?  

Friday, May 22, 2009

Baby, Moving... & MORE!

We have had so much going on in the last week I feel like I cannot even keep up. Alexis is one week old today... and it is also my due date! She is such an awesome baby... she only cries when she is hungry and boy does she let you know it! She has been left outside (by Doe) and downstairs (by Mommy) because she is so good we forgot she was even there! I have been blessed with her good nature... I seriously think she is the calmest baby yet so alert, that I have seen in a while! Jacob & Grace were good too, but I think that her being the 3rd she just knows she has to be, well... what she has to be! She was back in on Tuesday for jaundice and her level was at 10.8. They wanted her weight and billi rechecked on Thursday but when I took her (yes I drove her too... 1-2 weeks of no driving didn't last long for me! WAY too inconvient... and I was out of willing "chauffers") in to Dr. Kalo she said her color looked better and there was no need to recheck the billi. On Thursday she weighed 7 lbs 12 oz! She has the cutest little chubby cheeks! I've never had a chubby baby till now and I am just in love with my little MICHELIN baby! :)
With all the newness of Alexis we are also braving this two week move. Thank god Greg has the week off and also we feel blessed to have some very "helpful" helpers! Al has graciously stepped up to help us haul and move things AGAIN! (we owe you bigtime AL!). My mom has also been a HUGE help and we know her house (where we are moving too) has suffered greatly since things are just being "dumped" there! We have also had a handful of helpers that have helped us with taking care of the packing, kid care, and Mommy care (yes... my blood pressure has been a wreck this week... worse than it was when I was pregnant this time around!). I'm trying to "take it easy" so I don't lose any insides (like I've been told can happen) but it is near impossible when since I can't lift boxes I'm usually the one watching, lifting, and helping out three other SMALL children! I'm very frustrated, overwhelmed and drained, to say the least. I feel like everytime I go back in there is more to pack and do (it is multiplying like spaghetti). Last night since the beds were suppose to be gone we took the kids for the first night at our new place... Doe's. The were excited, we had popcorn, took baths (another neglected task lately) and had a nice rest! (Alexis has been doing awesome with sleeping at night!). It was our first night here (well the kids & I, Greg stayed back to do some of his odds and ends in the means of moving) and too be honest I feel "homeless". My stuff is everywhere, yet nowhere when I need it. I have visitors and don't know where to tell them to sit and hold the baby. I woke up today to realize my deoderant was still at the old house. I feel pretty lost... and needless to say I've lost it a few times! I cried the whole way back from our visit to get my deoderant and check on Daddy and mainly because I feel lost and overwhelmed. We still have so much to put into our SECOND pod and I don't see an end to the packing. I hate chaos and that is my life right now. I feel sad thinking that my home... is no longer "my home", our neighbors (goofy as they are) are no longer "our neighbors", our yard... well you get the picture. Am I crazy?? I cry thinking that I won't see the rooms we painted for our kids anylonger, and I won't see them sliding down the slide in the backyard. Ok. I have to stop... its making me cry AGAIN and I have a funeral to attend today, UGH! I'm trying not to complain as I know people are suffering more than I, and I'm lucky to have such a wonderful family, husband and children. With the very recent loss of a family friend so young, I think this move, the baby and that loss have magnified my already hormonal self. I thank each of you who have called to check on "me", have brought meals for "us" and who have sent emails... I can't tell you how much that means during such a difficult time. Your kindness and thoughftulness has not gone un-noticed.
I'm looking forward to a long weekend with my family up north and away from the stress of this move although I know it won't be far from my mind.
On a happy note I got my mother's ring today and I love it! :) It is perfect, UNLESS you ask Jacob who is not happy his stone is pink! :)

Sleepy GIRL!

Alexis has slept 2 nights in a row from 9-3!! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update on Alexis

Things around here have been absolutely crazy.  I feel like our lives are just spinning and its all we can do to keep up!  Having three kids hasn't even begun to sink in yet, and on top of it all our house is coming apart as we speak! We are in the midst of a move and nothing is at peace... our house is just so not the way we keep it! We are making alot of ground each and everyday and have had alot of friends and family helping us which has been really nice! Now onto our little Alexis. What a wonderful baby she is! She very rarely cries... only when hungry or needing diaper attention.  She loves being in her sling with Mommy or being held by her siblings & Daddy! She is very alert and when I talk or sing to her she will stare at me for the the longest time. 
She has done well at night thus far... waking every 2-3 hours but last night she went a whole four hours, that was very nice!! I've been having some blood pressure issues so I'm really trying to lay low, but that is not easy with all that we have going on! 
Alexis went to the doctor on Monday (since we were discharged so soon, they wanted to see her back for a weight and jaundice check).  She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz so we will have to go back on Thursday to have her rechecked to make sure she starts gaining.  She didn't have a discharge weight so although she could have gained we don't know.  She also looked a little jaundice so they sent her to the lab... the lab results came back at 10.5 so she had to be re-drawn on Tuesday.  That level was 10.8 so now we have to again go on Thursday!! Dr. Castro said she looked good, and wanted to take off her umbilical cord clamp.  When the nurse came to do it, it was quite the procedure.  Not one, but FOUR nurses came in to watch (apparently they hadn't seen it done before).  It came off pretty good but was cut a little funny so there was alot of excess that they said would really bother her so our nurse went to get scissors to help her out and cut some of it off.  Now it looks much better, and won't irritate her as much! While we had her at the doctor the lady called about her birth certificate so I went to proofread and sign that as well while we were there, what a busy visit! 

On a quick little side note, I'm pretty proud... today I had on my prepregnancy jeans (wore them to the hospital actually the day I had her!) and a shirt. YEAH. :)  

Friday, May 15, 2009

First Smile!!

After having Alexis while I was still being "worked on" Doe claimed she saw Alexis smile for the first time just minutes after her birth.  Later that same day I was alone with her and I said to her "Your big sister is going to LOVE you!".  She wasn't awake but she smiled so big! I know it is all just coincidental, but I just thought it was too cute! 

Alexis' Birth Story!

On Friday, May 15th Greg and I had woken up (well to be perfectly honest I had woken up WAY before Greg! I had a hard time sleeping and finally just decided to get up and do somethings around the house!) we headed to the hospital for our 8 am induction.  Upon arrival they did a quick ultrasound to be sure the baby was still head down.  I have had 3 inductions and they never did this! There were 3 nurses there and we were talking about the baby... I told them I had an ultrasound last week (since I was measuring small) and the baby was 6.8 lbs, I worried about her size (being too big).  They all told me they didn't think she was big... no bigger than 7 lbs or so. After the ultrasound my nurse came to get me... and strangely enough it was the same nurse who delivered Gracie!! I was also suppose to have the same doctor (Dr. Torok) granted I delivered by 1 or so.  Then she walked us to our room.... LDR # 4, the same room as with GRACE too! :)  I was checked initally and still determined to be 2-3 cm dilated 50% effaced. I had my IV started around 9 and they also did some routine blood work then.  Around 9:15 I was put on pitocin and Bets arrived and then at 9:40 Dr. Delacruz (an inhouse doctor) broke my water.  Dr. Torok wasn't suppose to be there that early (it was his daughter's birthday that day too) so I didn't mind her doing it! It took a bit for her to get it and it was the most I remember that hurting! After my water was broken I was again checked and was about 3 cm. Dr. Torok came in to talk briefly with me and said he'd be back after a scheduled c-section.  When he came back they checked me and I was still about a 3.  We talked about me getting an epidural when it came to that point.  They asked my pain level on a scale of 1 to 10.  I said maybe a 1.  They said when it got to be a 4 to talk about medication.  I called for my nurse Peggy at around 11 and asked what the verdict was on an epidural.  I mainly wanted one to speed things along, she said she'd check me and when she did I was 4 cm so I could get one if I was ready... I was! I called for them and they came at around 11:30.  By noon I was 4-5cm dilated and had my epidural.  My contractions had started to get very intense around then so I was glad I got it... by this time my pitocin was already at a 13 (out of 20) and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and off the charts in strength.  During this time Dr. Chu had become on call and arrived to check me around 12:30.  She confirmed I was at 6 cm and she wanted the nurse to empty my bladder with a foley and use the ball to turn the baby since she was still pretty high up and transverse facing the right.  Peggy got the cath and emptied my bladder.  Then around 1:20 she put the ball in between my legs... within seconds of her doing this I started to feel like I had to push.  I told Peggy and she said well can I run to the bathroom first?   She had decided to check me real quick before heading to the bathroom. After she did she said... no time for that! I was complete and ready to push! Dr. Chu was called in and I was told to do a "practice push".  I started to push and then they said to STOP.  Baby's head was already out.  One more little push and the shouders came out... that was it Alexis was born by 1:27 pm! Dr. Chu said the baby felt very heavy and she thought she was over 9 lbs! I was floored!! I then made a comment and they said not to say it too loudly or I might get beat up I said... "I hate to even say it but that didn't even really hurt!" Dr. Chu said I should make a video and that I shouldn't stop since I was a champion and did such a super job! She even mentioned that I would most likely be able to leave the next day since the delivery was so good.  After the delivery when I was getting ready to deliver the placenta I had the same thing happen that happened with Grace.... something huge fell out onto the ground, with a big KERSPLAT! Luckily the "audience" had just went over to see the baby so no one got splashed except Dr. Chu.  She said she had never seen anything like that... we had! With Gracie!!! She said well at least I was consistent! It was the biggest baby we had at 8.2 lbs and 20 1/4 inches long but the easiest delivery!! Aside from Greg... my Mom, Aunt & Peen were all there to see Alexis Elizabeth be born! Our waiting room crowd included big brother Jacob, Bets, Pa, Mimi, Bubba, & Cam.  Our second little girl looks just like her big sister at birth, except a little chubbier! She is beautiful! After delivery it went unnoticed that my epidural was still in and it stayed in for about another 1.5 hours.  I was very numb but we took the chance and moved me over to the recovery room 3947.  I felt very good and was so excited that Alexis was already nursing and doing so well with it! Lexie had her first bath when we got over there... loved the hair washing, HATED the bath part! She, just like big sister, LOVED the warming lamp after! That night we had tons of visitors! Aside from our day group we also had Gracie, Gigi, Christi, Uncle Tim, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Al, Aunt Courtney, Andrea, Andy & Conrad! It was such a nice night! Everyone left around 9:00 and we began to settle in for the night.  She had eaten a few times and we decided we needed some rest after the lond day so we sent her to the nursery around midnight.  I had a hard time sleeping after she left I was sweating in the bed and kept worrying about someone taking her! At about 6 am she returned and the nurse said she had to wake her up at 4 am to feed her! I was so happy to have her back.  During the night she had her hep vaccine as well.  The next day we had a busy day with newborn pictures, her hearing test and a few visits from family!  I was so relieved to be going home... all the doctors & nurses agreed that since everything went so smooth and we both were looking so good, why stay!!! WHO actually likes to stay, right?  I'd much rather be in my own bed and with my other children too!! I missed Jacob & Grace like crazy! By 2:20 pm (only 25 hours after the baby was born) we were discharged! As we got Alexis (whom I keep wanting to call Gracie!) ready she was all bundled up and good to go when BAM... she had a massive explosion in her pants so we had to get her back out and change her!
We came home, Greg rested and then we headed to Doe's to see the kids and get dinner.  Jacob and Grace are so in love with Alexis.  They want to hold her all the time! Jacob talks with her and says "Don't worry baby sister, I'm here".  She immediately stops crying when she hears him! He has been SO impressive with her especially given the amount of sleep he has been going on! I'm so proud of him! Such a huge difference from when I had Grace.  He understands and is so loving and caring to her... he doesn't want her to cry or be upset.  He even says to me "Nothing in your belly anymore Mom!". I just love him and his big brother self! I knew Grace would love her... and she does! So far she is the perfect baby... she hardly cries, loves to eat and is just so content! We are just settling in for night number 2, NIGHT!

On a side note a friend of mine from college was there and had her baby the same day Lexie was born! Claire Elise was born the same day later that evening! Congrats Yvonne & Bryan!! 

Alexis will return to the doctor on Monday just to be rechecked for weight (she weighed 7.9 lbs at home) and jaundice since she left so quickly! I don't mind a bit!! 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gracie's Fear... Part 2!

Gracie is such a tough little thing that she really isn't afraid of much... she has overcome her shadow fear but a few weeks ago we discovered how badly she is afraid of THUNDER! When it strikes she clings on to me for dear life! Last night there was a storm and she woke up and was screaming when Greg picked her up he brought her in our room because he said she was actually shaking. We put her back in bed when we thought it had calmed down... then BOOM! It happened again and she was a wreck again... so needless to say she came into our room and laid in our bed with her eyes wide open clinging onto my shirt! Poor girl! Greg said he can sympathize with her because Lucy, his parents dog, hates thunder storms too!
Its just so hard for me to believe Grace is afraid of anything... she is soooooo tough and doesn't let anything bother her!

Funny Things Jacob Says... His TURN!

So this morning he was looking for "Barbahue" I was thinking he was mispronouncing BBQ but still didn't know exactly what he was looking for... until he pulled out Gracie's Barbie and said HERE SHE IS!!

Another funny thing that makes me laugh each and everytime I hear him say it is... WHISPEARS, like in Whiskers! Cats, dogs, tigers... yup they all have Whispears! Didn't you know! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BIG Update!

Whew... it has been a busy, busy weekend!
On Friday I had a doctor's visit with Dr. Mikula. Everything is pretty much the same although I am now 2-3 cm dilated and 50% effaced (Since this is not my first pregnancy I most likely will not efface any more before delivery). Blood pressure believe it or not is actually pretty good and my weight gain is 0 since last time. Friday the kids again spent the night at my Mom's. It was a very quiet night... we thought we would be packing but instead we just hung out and relaxed... I think it has been nice for them to spend some nights there since next weekend they will be there all weekend long!
All weekend we were off and on again with the move. As a matter of fact come Saturday we thought it was completely off so we did some MAJOR house cleaning, only to find out Sunday they sent another counter offer! We still do not have definite answer as to when we can start packing, but we do know that they really want our house and hope to close by May 29th. We did order a pod which should be delivered on Friday the 15th. Hopefully soon we will everything signed and have verficiation of their funds, then the packing can begin!!
It was a nice weekend of holidays for us. Sunday was Mother's day... we were able to have breakfast with my Mom, Tim & Cathy. Then Greg watched the kids for their nap while my Mom & I went to visit with my Grandma & Aunt (two more important mothers!). Then we concluded the night with a BBQ at the Kohl's with the entire Kohl family. It was alot of fun!!
Monday was my 30th birthday... it was very weird... just like any other day! I took Jacob to school, napped in the afternoon and my Aunt came to visit at my Mom's (just like EVERY Monday!) I don't feel much different, just very pregnant! The kids were very good all day for me and sang Happy Birthday MANY times! I told Greg our house is starting to look like a funeral home... Saturday while we were at Costco Jacob & Grace bought me yellow roses (yellow with green leaves and stems, so it had both of their favorite colors in one!) Then yesterday Greg brought me home purple daisies.
Today (Tuesday) I had my LAST doctors visit... with Dr. Perry! Yet again very un-eventful. I had no weight gain, blood pressure looked good and I'm still about 2-3 cm dilated. We talked about my induction for Friday. I still can't believe we are this close to having our third child!!
I think that is all the updates for now... sorry to lump them all in but we have been so busy that I haven't had much time to sit and type! Keep your fingers crossed we hear something soon about our house and can start packing... AND that this baby makes a smooth and quick entrance on Friday!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Greg's Work Shower!

Today Greg came home and had some cake and baby clothes from his little surprise shower at work! I just crack up everytime I think about him opening all these adorable little girl clothes in front of all his work buddies!!! The best part was the Minnie Mouse card signed by mostly men... and Ed O.'s famous comment... WELCOME TO THE TRI-FECTA GREG! And last but not least 28 year old single guy Ryan's comment... Better you than me.

Oh... men! Well its the thought that counts right!! Well in this case maybe we didn't want the thoughts, lol!!

On a side note we went to check out the house we are looking to build.  Jacob & Grace just love being in it and always want to check out the downstairs and the beds.  (It is a model).  We really love everything about it.... 

Mother's Day & Chuck E Cheese!

I picked up Jacob from school today and was so excited when each of the kids came out with a pennant that said GO MOM! with their little pictures on it! Jacob's of course was yellow and although at school he wouldn't say GO MOM! when we got home he did it!! They also made us little magnets with their pictures, which I just loved as well!!  His little projects just melt my heart! They had an ice cream party at school, and his little chocolate mouth was just so kissable! 

We met up with Mimi & Cam for dinner and then we also headed to Chuck E Cheese tonight! It was the kids' first time there, and they had a blast! Jacob is still talking about going back to the "special surprise place".  I got about 20 tokens and Jacob had fun riding in all the little rides, Grace didn't like them as much but she had fun on the playscape and using the "Chatty Chuck E" phone!  As it turns out there was a Ewell birthday party there, so once again my lack of  "bedrest" didn't go unnoticed... oh well!

Hospital Bag Is... PACKED!!!

I forgot to mention last Friday (May 1st) when Doe had the kids for the night I packed my hospital bag!! Boy did that feel good to get that done! Now it is just sitting in our closet awaiting our trip and a few more last minute items I'll have to throw in the day of our induction!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny Things Gracie Says!

-"Oh-Ho" (Oh No!)
-"I want somethin'" (mainly to eat... and yes no g sound at the end!)
-"That noise?" (Greg's favorite... she mainly says it when she hears a plane or motorcycle, but really she'll say it any old time!)
-"Where We Goin'" or "Where We Goin' Brother" (this phrase is a constant in the car!)
... and how could I forget "B-Cause" (said with such a little attitude) and one more I forgot
-"I do it MYself" (little Miss. Independant wants to do everything by HERself!
Just thought I'd do a quick little post, because these little phrases just crack us up... I guess you have to hear her say them with her cute little voice too... ADORABLE! What a little talker we have!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Doctors & Ultrasound Appointment!

Today I had two "events" on the calendar after taking Jacob to nursery school and running errands with my girl Gracie! I saw Dr. Torok this afternoon... it was pretty uneventful.  I have not gained any weight since last Thursday and baby sounded great! My blood pressure was even pretty good for "me".  My only issue is the crazy painful right groin pain I've been having.  It has been literally stopping me in my tracks when I'm walking. I've never had this type of pain before and Dr. Torok thinks it is just baby's positioning... but I wish it would go away! I was checked and am now a solid 2 cm dilated and my cervix is 1 cm long. Dr. Torok told me not to sneeze if I don't want to have the baby before the 15th... I know he was kidding, but I did find it a bit funny.  They want to see me back on Friday... and then hopefully I'll have just one more appointment early next week before my induction! 

Then later in the afternoon I had an ultrasound to check the baby's growth.  Greg met me up there and... although I'm measuring small baby is doing just fine in there! She is head down, still looks just like Gracie did in ultrasounds, and is weighing 6.8 lbs (+/- .5 lbs) YIKES!! Like I told the technician... she better get out then, because I don't "do" higher than 7 lbs! I still have 1.5 weeks left and they say they can gain .5 lbs in a week, SO that would put her at about 7.8 lbs at birth if she waits till the 15th.  I'm getting excited but with all that we have going on... I'd rather her be cooking on the inside. YES... my body is starting to feel the effects of all of this but I'd rather feel like this than sleep deprived and moving, so please baby stay inside!!

As far as names go... if you ask Jacob he'll tell you her name.  BUT... we really haven't decided fully on what her name will be... we have new options everyday.  And even today Jacob added Katelyn to his list! (His girlfriend at nursery school!)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I forgot to post that on Friday they called to set up my gallbladder surgery... July 22nd.  Just for those of you who I promised I'd let know... this is your update! :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Appraisal & Inspection

We had our appraisal on Friday & our inspection on Saturday... now we just have to wait to hear how our appraisal went and then the packing begins.  We had a nice weekend, on Friday we got to see Peen, Christi & Averie.  Grace was so happy to see Averie.  She wouldn't take her eyes off of her... she just loved her! Jacob was a little stand-offish.  But he did blow her a kiss.  I think he just sometimes doesn't know what to think.  I guess in just a short time we'll see how they will be with our brand new baby girl!! Friday night the kids got to spend the night at Doe's and have a slumber party! They had popcorn, pretzels and ice cream... I don't think they missed me a bit (we were practicing up so they won't feel pushed off when they spend the night there when I have the baby). Jacob woke up the next morning and asked if he could spend the night again! It was a nice little break for Greg & I, although we just cleaned up and did some jobs around the house in preparation for the inspection Saturday. On Saturday after getting my FREE Chamilia bracelet (YEAH) we spent the day hanging out and then went to dinner & out for ice cream with Al & Courtney.  What a nice weekend!