Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, Funday!

Today... after a very long, not so fun Saturday spent mainly with three small children (who were very cranky, and not very "orderly" as Uncle Tim would say!) and only one care-giver (me! since Greg is in Texas for work and Doe was also away) Mommy almost melted down a few times but luckily we had a much better SUNDAY! We (me, Doe & the kids) headed to church (it was the first time in a VERY long time, way too long of a time!) in the morning (Jacob covered his ears up when the loud music was on... which really cracked me up) and then we went to Gigi's! Alexis got to meet Aunt Donna, Tina, and Ilse!! Tete, Tina & I even took Jacob & Grace to see the baby cows & goats at Crooked Creek.... which Grace described as "stinky" and oddly enough she was very reluctant at even getting out of the car! Jacob loved the little cows but also thought the goats were "ginky" aka "stinky".  He was able to pet three cows... one of which was just born on May 27th.  When we got back Gigi had offered for us to stay for dinner.  We accepted and it was very yummy... Grace at it like crazy and Mommy loved both the dinner and the coconut cream pie... YUM!  Jacob, of course, was picky as usual.  
After dinner we headed back for bedtime... which was much needed.  Jacob didn't get his nap today... and both of them have been a little out of sorts with the move and stuff.  

Alexis continues to become more beautiful every day... she is such a perfect little angel.  Jacob & Grace continue to love and adore her MORE each day.  It amazes me how gentle Jacob has been with her, and Grace now thinks there are no others besides her "baby sider" (she says it so darn cute) what a great big sister she is!! 

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